After 9/11, Biden Wanted to Send $200 Million to Islamic Terrorists – IOTW Report

After 9/11, Biden Wanted to Send $200 Million to Islamic Terrorists


No administration since Jimmy Carter’s had done more to enable and appease Islamic terrorists than the Obama-Biden administration. But Joe Biden wasn’t a patsy in a radical administration. As his original response to 9/11 shows, his own position was always favorable to Islamic terrorists.

“This,” Joe Biden announces, “is what I’ve spent my entire adult life preparing for.” It’s exactly three Tuesdays since the September attacks, and Biden is presiding over a morning meeting of his committee staffers…

At the Tuesday-morning meeting with committee staffers, Biden launches into a stream-of-consciousness monologue about what his committee should be doing, before he finally admits the obvious: “I’m groping here.”

Then he hits on an idea: America needs to show the Arab world that we’re not bent on its destruction. “Seems to me this would be a good time to send, no strings attached, a check for $200 million to Iran,” Biden declares.

Biden’s response to an attack by Islamic terrorists was a proposal to send $200 million to Islamic terrorists. The Obama-Biden administration topped that be sending billions to Iran. And Biden’s campaign platform calls for going back to those days. more

8 Comments on After 9/11, Biden Wanted to Send $200 Million to Islamic Terrorists

  1. “I’m groping here.”
    Well that’s gotta be one of the first truthful things Jackass Joe has ever said!!
    But to give the terrorist attackers 200 mill??
    Whutta Bonehead!
    Every day we discover even more reasons to be concerned about the possibility of having this grinning imbecile running our country and this is just one more!!

  2. This year’s version of Dementia Joe is just an older version of Senator Joe Biden. Back then he was noted for his long winded, rambling, disconnected blather about every thing every time the television cameras were turned in his direction. Senator Biden considered these to be opportunities to display his superior intellect and higher than average grasp of all things that a Senator aspiring to become President of the United States of America needed to know. There wasn’t any subject that Senator Biden hadn’t mastered, and he felt obliged to prove it every time the television cameras were recording his brilliance. Slow forward, and now Dementia Joe still wants to be the center of attention and given the opportunity to display his superior intellect and vast experience dealing with everything confronting our country and the entire world. But his handlers won’t let him prove his superior qualifications, and his old friends in the television news business aren’t asking any hard questions. Now, this is all very confusing and disconcerting to Dementia Joe. He really wants another opportunity to tell that gun nut to step outside and finish the debate about his AR14 not being allowed under Beto’s interpretation of the…… know…..the thing!


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