After bitter election, GOP newcomer to focus on election integrity in first term – IOTW Report

After bitter election, GOP newcomer to focus on election integrity in first term

Just The News: Freshman Republican Rep. Madison Cawthorn, the youngest representative in the House in over five decades, says he will be focusing in part on nationwide election integrity in the wake of the bitter and divisive 2020 election season. 

Cawthorn, who represents North Carolina’s 11th Congressional District, told Just the News that he wants to expand Congress’s investigations into election security beyond the ongoing allegations of voter irregularities that have circulated around the 2020 vote. 

“We’re going to be making the law very clear on what you can do when you contest an election, and how you can do it,” he said, adding that he will also support inquiries into early voting practices, which have formed an increasingly larger share of the vote in recent years. Over 100 million Americans cast early votes in the 2020 election, with about 2/3 of those coming via mail-in ballots. 

Cawthorn indicated he was less likely to pursue specific inquiries into the 2020 vote, though he said he wouldn’t oppose them if they arose. 

“If they do come up, probably [I’d support it],” he said. “I don’t see anything wrong with bipartisan investigations.” read more

15 Comments on After bitter election, GOP newcomer to focus on election integrity in first term

  1. After Biden gives Amnesty to 20 Million Illegal Aliens, They will not have a

    need to cheat anymore…They still will…They can’t help it.

    These Troops stationed in D.C. without Ammo is eerily similar to Beirut in

    the early 80’s….I think We will see a Stephen Paddock Style Event..With

    lots of Soldiers getting shot…Probably Slow Joe too…This will give Them

    Popular Opinion to confiscate Weapons from the Masses for Their Own Safety.

  2. What makes a first time junior Congressman from the minority party think he will have any influence on getting The House to “focus” on anything? The Republicans have no power to craft an agenda and he has even less power, to do anything.

    The dems have found their golden goose, their magic lamp, their brass ring, their ready made blueprint to never losing an election again; early voting with mail in ballots. Even when the pandemic is licked and there is no excuse for not going to the polls, the practice of mailing out millions of ballots to whoever has the temerity to cheat, those will decide who wins and who loses from now on.

  3. No mention of Dominion. I guess that shit is here to stay, and soon to be everywhere. My belief is that, while turnout may have been down slightly in GA, the Dominion machines fractionalized, subtracted and flipped GOP votes to steal the runoffs, and the call to boycott—which was NEVER made by Trump—is being used as cover for the “machinations” of the Democrat/RINO Axis.

    However, if significant voting reform is not achieved in the next two years, the boycott will be real and undeniable. I don’t see any reform occurring at the federal level, and all I see is cowardice and corruption at the state level, so right now, I’m planning to stay home in 2022, for the first time in forty years. I can’t even trust that the GOP primaries won’t be rigged for RINOs.

  4. @Thirdtwin

    A good indicator for 2022 will be whether of not those 10 GOP pussies that voted to impeach, whether those folks get primaried. If the infamous 10 face no challenges and are up for re election, then yes, the fix is in.

    I could be wrong but I don’t see this happening, the anger is too strong.

  5. @Heretic

    “What part of cheating don’t you understand?”

    What part of my comment don’t YOU understand?

    “We will never have an honest election again.”

    That’s exactly what I said, have another cup of coffee.

  6. Congressman, love ya like a brother, but you’re going to work on exactly what the party allows you to work on. I wish you well, but I don’t hold out any hope for your success in this effort. The democrats love it like it is and the republicrats won’t make waves.

  7. If the Democrats believe they were the real legitimate winners of the election they will join in and call for insuring vote integrity as well, just to be sure there is no cloud of doubt and suspicion hanging over them and their win.

    However, IMO, if they don’t join in then this is a tacit admission of election fraud on their part (I have to stress IMO since I don’t speak for anyone other than myself).

  8. @Anonymous

    Dems don’t care about “voter integrity”, a perfect example is their foot-dragging and push-back against against voter ID laws, they hate them. A simple requirement to show valid ID when voting, something all Americans need to perform the most basic of needs in our society, but apparently a bridge too far for the dems to insure voter integrity.

    No, they like things just the way they are and will oppose any “looking under the hood” when it comes to our voting process.

  9. The squeaky wheel gets greased. His investigation will quickly find that absolutely no fraud occurred in 2020 and that all election procedures were perfect and should be codified in Federal law.


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