After Going to Kiev, Orbán Flies to Moscow to Advocate for Cease Fire and Negotiations – IOTW Report

After Going to Kiev, Orbán Flies to Moscow to Advocate for Cease Fire and Negotiations

Putin Says He Believes Trump Is Sincere About His Desire for Peace.

13 Comments on After Going to Kiev, Orbán Flies to Moscow to Advocate for Cease Fire and Negotiations

  1. And pudding brain bidepends doesn’t even know there is a war.
    He thinks he solved the traffic congestion problem….he witnesses it every time he rides in the motorcade.

  2. Destroying the NordStream Pipeline
    should land Shitpants and his Uropeeing abettors in the guillotine and blow up the entire NATO, Green Energy and Global Warming CRIME SYNDICATES worldwide.

  3. Tony R
    FRIDAY, 5 JULY 2024, 18:03 AT 6:03 PM
    “SNS: “ No peace without Zelinskyy’s execution.”

    I think you named the wrong president.”

    …you always want to test your gallows to be sure it will work on the major criminal when everyone is watching, and Z is better than a sandbag because you can let Pedo watch before taking his turn…

  4. Consider hanging styles;

    1) The Justice – Memorialized by Victor Hugo for the unfortunate Esmerelda, this involves pulling the celebrant up to the crossbeam which a burly man stands on. His purpose is to drop onto the celebrant’s shoulders to break their neck. Simple, direct, but sharply reduces terror and suffering, but can result in mechanical decapitation.

    The Montfaucon – Also from France, this is a larger structure intended for multiple hangings, which can be conducted at different times which can increase the celebrant’s pre-hanging revulsion and fear as the bodies are not removed until they fall apart from decomposition, insects, and birds. Celebrants are hoisted into an open bay that may be occupied by up to two other corpses in various stages of decay, and as death is by strangulation the celebrant can be left with their eyes uncovered so they can see and feel their mouldering neighbors as they bump against them in their death throes and contemplate in the eyeless rot their own immediate future as they go. A more suitable punishment as terror, horror, and suffering for the celebrant is increased, but requires a large amount of land and considerably more construction, thought about who hangs in what order, and long-term maintenance as bones must occasionally be swept into an osuary base as they fall, plus guards in case a rope prematurely fails or a rescue is attempted. And no one can live downwind of this if they have any sense of smell.

    The Western – Can be as simple as a rope, tree, and horse, or complicated as a platform with a trapdoor. The concept is again to quickly break the celebrant’s neck which obviates the possibility of escape, but reduces deserved suffering, although the death spasms can be amusing.

    Dragging – Variant on the Western, the celebrant has hands and feet immobilized and is dragged by the neck by horse or vehicle until dead. Speed and terrain are important factors in how long it lasts and how painful it is, and except in cases where the celebrant is decapitated mechanically or partly dismembered, it would be necessary to check for death at each stop, and be prepared to continue if not. Simple and can be scaled for how many pullers, rope, and celebrants are available, although horses may be desirable over vehicles if it is also desirable to pull the celebrant over shit. Terror and punishing pain in store for the celebrant, who may also get to enjoy everything from severe road rash to limbs being forcibly avulsed if they become caught on terrain. Downside, may take time and more surviveable than other methods, also labor intensive.

    …these are just a few hanging styles that may be considered for the Ukranian Nazi and his pedophile benefactor, among others. Feel free to offer your own, from history or something conpletely new…

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