After His Self-Righteous Flynn Tweet, Someone Should Check Jim Comey for Burn Marks – IOTW Report

After His Self-Righteous Flynn Tweet, Someone Should Check Jim Comey for Burn Marks

PJMedia: Disgraced FBI Director Jim Comey thinks he’s heads and shoulders above most of his law enforcement peers. But that’s only because, at 6’8″, he’s literally heads and shoulders above his peers.

Morally speaking, his is a different story. Comey bragged about siccing his agents on new National Security Adviser Michael Flynn during his first days in office in an attempt to entrap him into saying something they could get him on so they could spy on the Trump administration.

Comey, who’s been conspicuously silent lately, came out of his hidey-hole after the case against General Flynn was dropped and his self-righteousness was ready to burst. He tried to calm down career FBI bureaucrats who may be upset that his and the Obama administration’s plot to depict President Trump as a Russian secret agent didn’t work.

The DOJ has lost its way. But, career people: please stay because America needs you. The country is hungry for honest, competent leadership.

And standing ready for his reaction? The Trump War Room rapid-response team with this hilarious – and devastating – list of all Comey’s public lies.

15 Comments on After His Self-Righteous Flynn Tweet, Someone Should Check Jim Comey for Burn Marks

  1. “Thunder is impressive but lightning gets the job done.” All that we’re hearing sounds good, but when are these swamp rats going to prison?

  2. Maybe I won’t have to wait to pee on 0bola’s grave.
    Sentence him to time in a stockade and charge all of us that will line up.
    Use the money to maintain the National Parks.

  3. That was a Senior Rat making a ‘insiders PLEA’ to the remaining rat Choomer in Chief supporters within the IBF.

    He’s gutter scum, all 6’8 of ’em, filled to the point it’s coming out of his mouth.

  4. He comes across much better in interviews on the television and appearances before Congress than any other of the treasonous bastards who tried to stage their coup against President Donald J. Trump. However, this was before all the facts were made public by Attorney General Barr. Comey sure is one overconfident bastard, and he will never admit that he was off the Reservation.

  5. The Psalmist prayed that God would turn the swords of his enemies back on them. I’ve been praying that God would turn President Trump’s enemies’ swords back on them and He is doing it! Now all they have to do is fall on them.

  6. I knew he was a no good tramp just by the amount of make up he wore at every address.

    He was more worried about his appearance than his oath, job, and country.

  7. Whoever checks James Comey for burn marks send him my way. My Petey B had to leave in the middle of his “Friday Fist Fest” to attend a Biden conference call and my unbleached elastic starfish feels like my Petey B took a flamethrower to my unbleached elastic starfish!

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