After Hugh Hefner Passes, Playboy Features Plus Size Models – IOTW Report

After Hugh Hefner Passes, Playboy Features Plus Size Models

Daily Caller: Playboy recently featured plus size model Molly Constable, and it’s a sign the publication has taken a dark turn after Hugh Hefner’s death.

Playboy under Hefner was all about men’s lifestyle stuff and hot women. Somehow, that apparently all went to the grave with Hef because Constable doesn’t fit that description at all. 

I thought Sports Illustrated was bad enough with some of its decisions, but apparently Playboy is eager to follow suit.


21 Comments on After Hugh Hefner Passes, Playboy Features Plus Size Models

  1. This is so suicidally insane.
    Maybe this is “The Producers” plot in magazine form.
    Christie and the Heirs must’ve been advised they can make more money by Deepsixing the declining magazine, going through Super Deluxe Chapter Eleventy, then coming out debt-free with some huge jackpot.

    Out: Jenny McCarthy.
    In: Melissa McCarthy.

  2. I used to sneak the mag. From my neighbors house as a kid to read the articled.never looked at the pictures so i wouldnt know the difference of the women sizes. 😎🤔

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