After Promoting Avenatti Accusers NBC Tries Walking Quietly Toward the Exits – IOTW Report

After Promoting Avenatti Accusers NBC Tries Walking Quietly Toward the Exits

CTH: Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley sent a criminal referral to the DOJ today surrounding Creepy Porn Lawyer Michael Avenatti and claims from the accusers he brought forth.   Hours later,…. all of a sudden NBC, the primary advocacy media for Avenatti and his accusers, starts publicly questioning the details of their interactions?

In a late-evening publication of NBC News Investigations, journalists Kate Snow and Anna Schecter outline the contradictions between Creepy Porn Lawyer and two female accusers Avenatti put them in contact with.


In a transparent effort to retain credibility, the face of NBC, Chuck Todd, now claims Avenatti “mislead” the NBC reporters. It needs to be emphasized here that none of these contradictions were discussed by NBC during the controversy around the Kavanaugh confirmation.  They kept quiet about it when it mattered.  more here

13 Comments on After Promoting Avenatti Accusers NBC Tries Walking Quietly Toward the Exits

  1. They should’ve never picked it up in the first place, it blew up in their face almost immediately and how the house is falling down around them. Crawl off and die quietly somewhere MSNBC.

  2. So… Grassley has the time, and public resources, to put together a 29 page… criminal referral… over the attorney… who grandstands on TV… about people… who said nothing (on the record)… while he was conducting hearings? But… he doesn’t have time to dash off a post-it-note… about the witness who committed perjury… at that very same hearing? No time for the attorneys who represented that perjuring witness… at that very same hearing? Not even an e-mail about the “the federal criminal offenses of conspiracy, false statements and obstruction of Congress” regarding the committee members… who brought that perjuring witness… and their (not merely her, but their) attorneys… before Grassley’s precious committee? Methinks the Senator doth betroll too much.

  3. How is it that NBC is at the root evil almost everywhere?
    It defied the Odds.
    It’s as if they are Evil broadcasters or something similarly sinister.

  4. The title of this thread implies that there may be an awareness of, at the least, ground truth, of an obligation to detect and report actual news, of competence, of courage and of rudimentary ethicality. NONE of those implications is correct, at NBC or any of the other fifth column outlets.

  5. I’d like to see NBC News Executives called to the stand during the pimps trial to explain all these obvious contradictions they’re reporting on now and why they didn’t report on them during the trial. As for bringing charges against Ford for lying that’s a non-starter unless really hard evidence of a conspiracy can be brought to light. Otherwise it’s just a woman with mental issues and everyone should feel sorry for her or she’s telling the truth and the confirmation hearing gets retried in court. As for the others that could possibly be charged, again unless there is hard evidence or a confession it’s very unlikely anyone gets punished. Having said all of that, Avenatti could be a key in laying other charges if he cuts a deal and turns states evidence and survives long enough for the trial(s) to take place.

    One thing to remember as well is the head of CNN, Jeff Zucker is an ex-NBC head honcho who was fired after leading the network from first to fourth place. I’ll bet there’s a Pulitzer Prize about that relationship and how it continues for some enterprising reporter.


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