After student walkout, Pennsylvania school district reverses transgender bathroom policy – IOTW Report

After student walkout, Pennsylvania school district reverses transgender bathroom policy

JTN: The Perkiomen Valley School District in Pennsylvania recently passed a policy that mandates kids use the bathroom associated with their biological sex after students staged a walkout in protest of the school board for originally rejecting the proposal. 

The school board originally voted against the policy titled “Policy 720” in a 4-5 vote. However, the vote changed earlier this week after board member Don Fountain voted to approve the policy instead.

This proposal was put forward after a dad said that his daughter encountered someone she thought may have been a boy in the girl’s bathroom and it made her uncomfortable.  more

14 Comments on After student walkout, Pennsylvania school district reverses transgender bathroom policy

  1. The tide is definitely turning. Parents are more aware, and students are recognizing that they are not in the minority in wanting normal separation of sexes as they keep getting told.
    And more and more people are realizing that those taking advantage of the broken policies tend to be predators.

  2. The young guys have had a belly full of prog propaganda being shoved down their throats. I told them to go fuck themselves sideways and my brother and I just showed up to take the tests unless we wanted to. That was in the 1970’s and I’m frankly surprised it took others this long. My mother was pissed and wanted to know what the school was going to do about us having more absences than attendances on our report cards and the school said they didn’t know what they could do about it. We were getting among the highest grades on the tests.

    It kicked my ass in college, when I had to actually attend the lectures and study, but both of us would do the same thing over again. College level physics, calculus, linear algebra and engineering classes separate the wheat from the chaff real quick. They used to anyway.

  3. @ Left Coast Dan FRIDAY, 6 OCTOBER 2023, 13:04 AT 1:04 PM

    I had an in depth discussion on a high level LEO who has been involved in recruiting. The tide is turning, even in Washington. He feels bad for young/new LEOO who have been to the State Patrol Academy and are coming out with no training on how to actually do effective policing. Once the tide has turned and that is once again the protocol they will have no training and experience in anything other than standing around watching things g down and not hurting anyone’s feelings.

  4. Anonymous, not all leftists stay in college towns or big cities. They infiltrate small town school boards, libraries, public health departments and city councils—even police departments—if you are not vigilant. Then when it’s too late, and people try to take back their governments, here comes Meal Team Six with Fed backup, tasers blazing. Best to fend off woke interlopers before they get authority anywhere.

  5. Is a gender chameleon a chameleon that can change its gender on a daily basis depending on which way the politically correct fads go? One day it will be a boy, the next a girl, then a tranny freak and then ultimately will become one of a begillion and one genders that the left has evilly concocted out of thin air. Good for those boys sticking up the girls at that school telling the schoolboard to go to hell. Hey, idiots on the left, if it’s got a penis it’s a boy and if it has a vagina it’s a girl. DUH!

  6. A FAR BETTER MOVE would have been to walk out and NEVER COME BACK. The indoctrination continues, the crappy education continues, and parents now relax and pretend that their children aren’t going to a horrible school. At some point you need to wake up and finally show that you actually love and care about your children and their future.


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