WFB: In 2018, Mark Janus convinced the Supreme Court that mandatory government union dues violate the First Amendment. Now he wants his money back.
After his triumph at the High Court, Janus asked a federal trial judge to require the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) pay out about $3,000 in agency fees the union collected from his paycheck between 2013 and 2018. The judge declined and Janus lost on appeal, prompting a new petition to the Supreme Court.
So-called right-to-work cause lawyers including the Liberty Justice Center and the National Right to Work Foundation are litigating some 30 cases that collectively seek $120 million in garnished wages for public sector workers. Public sector unions proved surprisingly resilient after the Janus decision, seeing modest increases in membership and limited losses of revenue. Judgments ordering restitution to aggrieved workers, however, could vindicate doomsayers who predicted the end of agency fees would devastate organized labor. Approximately 5.9 million public employees paid mandatory fees prior to Janus, a massive pool of prospective plaintiffs. read more
Suck AFSCME dry and piss on its desiccated corpse.
My dad was once in the OCAW (Oil, Chemical & Atomic Workers) Union. They were so corrupt that he and the small group of guys he worked with left them and formed their own union. Things were much better after that.
Most unions don’t do much other than negotiate for wages. After that, they get into bed with management and screw their members.
I see it every day in my work.
The folly of unions is that too much goes to political campaigns, and bureaucracy. If the money was reinvested back into the members’ needs, then I’m all for unions.
The other thing, as I’ve said this before, I’d willingly pay HALF of my salary to the teacher’s union just to keep the friggin’ crazies out of my ass, which are:
crazy kids that exaggerate and lie,
then their crazy parents who also exaggerate and lie,
then administrators who are just trying to mark time,
then of course they appeal to their friends on the local school board,
and if that fails, they appeal to the Dept. of Public instruction,
or the superintendent,
or the courts,
or anyone else they can appeal to in order to get their way,
–SOMEONE is going to cave in! Each entity looks at it as, “Uh-oh, the mob is here, do I want to be crucified for this lowly teacher, or throw them under the bus and just easily find another?”
When people complain, “Geez, those teachers have to kill a kid in order to get fired” yeah, that’s how it should be because every “F” or comment taken out of context, and someone wants a teacher fired after blowing 5-6 years in college for a low-paying job. No way. If it was easy to get rid of the shit teachers and protect the good ones, that would be ideal, but it’s usually either all or nothing.
Don’t crap on unions too much, when you get exploited, over-worked, lied to, and then shoved out the door when you start squeaking, you’ll be DARN GLAD you paid for union protection to either stop that in the first place, or stop it after it starts creeping up on you, especially if you’re over 40, and they’d love to get someone younger and cheaper to take your place.
Nah, not an anti-union guy here. . .
Choking off another pipeline to the democrat money machine is never a bad thing.
You should not be mandated to support a political party in order to preserve your employment, union should stay out of politics.Public services union contracts should be voted on by everyone, “we gotta pay we deserve a say”
Unions (all of them) are great money-laundering machines. They take money from their members and, by various “investments” of dubious quality, steal the money both for themselves and for the people who protect them from justice – politicians, cops, “journalists,” attorneys general, public prosecutors, and the local mafia (a loose term of thuggery, not necessarily La Cosa Nostra).
They are in cahoots with the corporations to extort all that is possible from their membership – and this is most evident by the corporations’ subsidizing the more criminal aspects of Union membership – shop stewards (for example) who do absolutely no work for the company but are kept fat on the payroll laying about to listen to the various whiners who walk in and to protect the incompetent from their own stupidities.
Pretty good scam.
izlamo delenda est …
Thank goodness for public schools or all of the dumb folk graduating from the sub-par Schools of Education wouldn’t have good paying, do nothing jobs misteaching your kids!