After the Midterms, What Next? – IOTW Report

After the Midterms, What Next?


With the midterm elections a mere two weeks away, it can be easy to forget that politics will continue as usual afterward.  So what will happen once the midterms have been held on November 6, 2018?

Much depends on which party wins the House of Representatives.  Republicans are virtually guaranteed to win the Senate, but the House could go either way at this point.  Not long ago, the House was considered an easy win for the Democrats.  However, the Kavanaugh hearings have woken many fence-sitting Republicans from their slumber, and now control of the House is less certain.

If Republicans keep the House, Trump will likely want to enact his immigration agenda.  He spent the last two years enacting legislation congressional Republicans wanted, and in return, he will want them to enact his legislation.  If they cooperate, the wall may begin construction with congressional funding sometime in 2019.  If they don’t cooperate, Trump could retaliate by vetoing any bills Republicans in Congress pass.  He hasn’t vetoed a single bill yet, but he will use that power if he has to.  If Congress still refuses to cooperate, Trump will take his case to the American people.  Most Republicans will side with Trump over Congress.  If Congress still refuses to fund the wall, Trump might use the military to build it.  Congressional Republicans may vote to fund the wall, not necessarily because they support it, but because they fear losing their jobs.  The Republican base is getting tired of its leaders not delivering on immigration, and if their leaders don’t start delivering soon, the base will not vote for them.  A wall, complete or not, will boost Trump’s chances of being re-elected in 2020.

Another item on the agenda would be tech censorship.  Tech companies have been censoring and will continue to censor the news to prevent “fake news” and “hate speech” from spreading.  Congress may pass the Social Media Anti-Censorship Act (SMACA), which would “prohibit censorship of lawful speech on major social media platforms.”

A national voter ID law could be implemented, perhaps with the government issuing a national ID card to every citizen.  Though many claim that this would be racist, a majority of Americans of all races support voter ID laws.  An ID is required for many things.  Why should voting should be different?

What if Democrats take the House?   MORE

6 Comments on After the Midterms, What Next?

  1. A national ID? Sounds like a good idea, but the feds already have too much info about me. Can you imagine the Comeys, Clappers, and obamas of the world being in charge of that?

  2. “What if Democrats take the House?”

    Articles of Impeachment.
    Legislate through “Executive Order.”
    Increased Hatred and Violence by the Nihilistic Totalitarians (Demonrats).
    Fomenting of Race Hatred and attempting to get the negroes to revolt.
    No Border Wall.
    No Border Control.
    Increased Funding for “Sanctuary” cities.

    Nihilism has only one – ONE – purpose and outcome.

    (I exaggerate to make a point)

    izlamo delenda est …


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