¡Afuera! Argentina’s Milei Prepares a ‘Shock Package’ of Legislation for His Very First Day – IOTW Report

¡Afuera! Argentina’s Milei Prepares a ‘Shock Package’ of Legislation for His Very First Day

New Argentine President intends to start his term kicking down the door on the very first day.

GP: While ‘chainsaw’ Milei has somewhat softened his rhetoric and changed a few names on his team, apparently he intends to enact meaningful reforms and repeal a voluminous body of legislation in his very first act after the inauguration on December 10.

Javier Milei plans to present to an extraordinary session of  Congress a highly ambitious ‘omnibus law’ project to start off his government.

Besides the traditional ‘ministry law’ – that establishes the organizational chart of each new administration – he is preparing a ‘shock package’: deregulation of economic laws, simplification of the tax system, labor modifications, and the privatization of state companies. more

7 Comments on ¡Afuera! Argentina’s Milei Prepares a ‘Shock Package’ of Legislation for His Very First Day

  1. Not sure what “privatize state businesses” means, but a MONOPOLY should be dissolved, NOT TRANSFERRED to a private profit center run by your friends (the typical republican solution).

  2. MrLiberty
    TUESDAY, 5 DECEMBER 2023, 19:19 AT 7:19 PM
    “Not sure what “privatize state businesses” means, but a MONOPOLY should be dissolved, NOT TRANSFERRED to a private profit center run by your friends (the typical republican solution).”

    General Malaise
    TUESDAY, 5 DECEMBER 2023, 19:34 AT 7:34 PM
    “^ Also a very Russian solution thereby creating its oligarchy.”


    “Republican” controlled Ohio just passed recreational pot. The “Republican” legislature is planning to modify the law, but ONLY to outlaw home-grown and thereby protect the State cartel with a monopoly they can then give to their cronies…


    …a very GOP-E solution. Make righteous noises, but don’t actually try to END the thing you claim to oppose, but control it to your financial advantage instead, as your only REAL dedication is to yourself…


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