AG Barr: “I Can’t Fathom” Why Obama Admin Did Not Tell Trump Campaign About FBI Investigation – IOTW Report

AG Barr: “I Can’t Fathom” Why Obama Admin Did Not Tell Trump Campaign About FBI Investigation

15 Comments on AG Barr: “I Can’t Fathom” Why Obama Admin Did Not Tell Trump Campaign About FBI Investigation

  1. It was due to freewill but with only two choice: incompetence or criminal intent. And while Barry was incompetent, I think criminal intent was the motive for saying nothing. Part of the back up plan for a coup should Trump win the election.

    The dems are beyond sore loser mode, because they know they tried to stack the deck, still lost both the election and the coup, and now are at the threshold of being caught.

  2. Abigail, you’re absolutely correct. I cheered when he said it ♥ For folks who don’t get his dry wit, they’ll LEARN to get…or maybe not. Their loss if they don’t.

  3. Well, they did spend a few months mocking Trump for saying he had been spied on.

    Because they thought they would find something to throw him out of office over before he could find out.

    However, now that we know the depths that they sank, this isn’t so etching that’s fixed with a censure and they only have 15 months to clean house.

  4. I can fathom why Obola never told the Trump Campaign. It’s because the Obola Administration is the most corrupt, most criminal admin EVER in American history

  5. I don’t believe Obama was in charge of this anymore than he was in charge of anything – just like I don’t believe he was anymore than a puppet, with several someone elses pulling the strings.

  6. Doesn’t matter if Barry was in charge or not. Still part of the crime family, and he likely knew. And he is the one with President next to his name. It’s the bus with his name on it that delivered the crime family to the scenes of their crimes.

    The guy at the top, the CO, is responsible whether he ordered it or was unaware of what his troops were doing. Same with a murder, doesn’t matter if you were only the driver and someone else pulled the trigger causing death. You’re part of the murder ring.


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