AG Barr knew about Hunter Biden probe for months: report – IOTW Report

AG Barr knew about Hunter Biden probe for months: report


Attorney General William Barr reportedly knew about investigations into Hunter Biden’s business and financial dealings for months and worked to stop them from being disclosed to the public during the election campaign.

The Wall Street Journal reported that Barr was aware of investigations involving President-elect Joe Biden’s son since before the spring and has resisted pressure from Republicans in Congress for information into the investigations.

The Department of Justice did not immediately respond to a request for comment from Fox News. The Journal reports that Justice Department guidelines advise investigators against taking overt actions in a run-up to an election.

Justice Department guidelines advise investigators against taking overt actions in a run-up to an election so as not to be seen as affecting the outcome. read more

17 Comments on AG Barr knew about Hunter Biden probe for months: report

  1. Barr seems to sit on a lot of things simultaneously smothering them to death.

    I don’t know why Trump hired him. Possibly Trump is a poor judge of character. Back in the early months of 2017 Trump seemed to change his team every other Tuesday, something I still don’t get. Or maybe in some unfathomable way Trump’s a creature of the swamp himself.

    Sorry kids, but the unthinkable is starting to be thinkable.

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