AG Barr: Mueller Report to be Released by Mid-April, WH Won’t Review First – IOTW Report

AG Barr: Mueller Report to be Released by Mid-April, WH Won’t Review First

Dan Bongino: Attorney General William Barr announced today that a redacted version of the Mueller report will be released “by mid-April, if not sooner,” and he will not send a copy to the White House for privilege review.

In a letter to the Senate and House Judiciary chairmen, Barr wrote, “As we have discussed, I share your desire to ensure that Congress and the public had the opportunity to read the Special Counsel’s report. The Special Counsel is assisting us in this process.”

Barr said the Department of Justice was in the process of “identifying and redacting” sensitive material some of which “by law cannot be made public.”

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5 Comments on AG Barr: Mueller Report to be Released by Mid-April, WH Won’t Review First

  1. The demoncraps lied – obama, clinton, mueller, comey, rosenstein, waters, and on and on… lied and carried on this farce of an investigation to at the very least influence the mid-term election, which happened… and at worst to stage a coup of a rightfully elected president. They KNEW it was all a big lie from the very beginning!!!

    When are they ALL going to be arrested and hung for treason???

  2. Maybe its just me but I think Barr is kowtowing to the libs in Congress way too much. They hate him, they have already called him a liar and a Trump stooge, yet he goes out of his way to placate any damn request they make. This is an executive branch investigation, the special prosecutor works for the Justice Dept. not Congress. They had their own investigations and they found squadooch, no collusion or anything at all improper. So they hang their hat on Mueller, hoping for the best and again come up empty.

    I know Barr is trying to appear fair and impartial but all his attempts will be spat on. Whatever he gives them, it will be scoffed at and labeled insufficient. He does not need to jump through their hoops. Whatever time he needs, take it. And if Trump wants to look at the finished product before Schiff or Nadler, too damned bad, he runs the executive branch and has every right to do so. This report is for the benefit of the American people, they should be the focus of Barr’s efforts.

  3. Barr may have some believe that somehow the Senate and Congress represent the American people so he wants to please them first. That is their illusion presented to voters for election purposes. They only seek power, control and money anyway they can find it. The patter they spew to Americans the rest of the year is just a distraction the giant uni-party uses as a smoke screen. Lets see the truth about this crime up front in plain English.

  4. P Trump has said himself just release the whole report.
    He lived it,he has nothing to hide,so why not let it come out.
    Yes, we know that the Dem’s will try to make hay out of it but who cares. They will lose again. Just watch.
    He Has Done Nothing Wrong.
    Nervous Nellies seem to be living here.
    Do you trust President Trump or not?
    Has he lost a battle with the left yet?
    Has he lost fights with the Left and the Rino’s Yes he has.
    That is why we need to keep on supporting him.
    The left has nothing left; Nadler,Schiff,Cummings. they will lose Bigly.


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