AG Barr Not So Confident in FBI Director Chris Wray Anymore – IOTW Report

AG Barr Not So Confident in FBI Director Chris Wray Anymore

Conservative Treehouse: More than a week after CBS first constructed their editorial narrative they finally released the full interview between Catherine Herridge and AG Bill Barr.  Many people read the transcript; however, thankfully Michael Sheridan excerpts a portion of the video that doesn’t come across in the transcript.

When the attorney general is questioned about “still having confidence” in FBI Director Christopher Wray, a newly articulated hesitancy is visible that doesn’t come across in the transcript. WATCH:

16 Comments on AG Barr Not So Confident in FBI Director Chris Wray Anymore

  1. I am not so confident in the FBI as a whole any more. Were they ever any good, or did they just manage to write their own PR and strong arm courts into giving them high profile convictions to support it.

    Perhaps the portrayal of the FBI agent in Die Hard was accurate.

  2. We’ll know Wray is soon to be toast when WaPo gets a team of six journos to write a big fat puff piece about what a Stand-Up Guy Wray is. Hopefully that career obituary comes sooner rather than later.

  3. AG Barr, WTF? Based on the information you have today you don’t believe there will be charges brought against obama or biden? How in the world can this be?

  4. Osmidgen and Obiden had trusted underling cut outs who were there to protect them. There probably aren’t any smoking guns with their bloody fingerprints on them, just a lot of fingers pointing their way. It will take a another John Dean to roll any of these seditious bastards into a Courtroom. The Dementiacrats are just going to keep calling President Trump a deranged usurper unless the truth is uncovered. Remember, they never “tapped his telephones.” They just read everything he and his family and close associates sent to one another. This is the biggest political hit job in our country’s history, and the MSDM have been willing partners in the crime.

  5. @JDHasty May 18, 2020 at 3:42 pm

    > There is absolute no good that could come from prosecuting a past President.

    So we should skip the show trials? And go straight to the show executions?

    … I’m good with that.


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