AG Barr to self-quarantine out of caution amid coronavirus worries – IOTW Report

AG Barr to self-quarantine out of caution amid coronavirus worries

With the Durham Report? That seems to be under quarantine, too.
[Barr was tested 4 times, each time the results were negative.]

13 Comments on AG Barr to self-quarantine out of caution amid coronavirus worries

  1. Barr (70 years old) is waiting to retire, secure a tell-all book deal and then hit the talk show circuit just like all the rest of the swampers. I bet he’s G-O-N-E soon after the election.

  2. AG Bill “in the spring” Barr is going to lay even lower huh?


    If President Trump truly wants to see heads roll, after he’s reelected and Bill “steps down” appoint Joe deGenava. You will see s stream of moving trucks leaving DC that week.

    I shit you not.


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