AG Nominee Merrick Garland May Hide Durham Report From Public – IOTW Report

AG Nominee Merrick Garland May Hide Durham Report From Public

Same story, different characters, eh?


Merrick Garland, @JoeBiden‘s nominee for attorney general, won’t explicitly commit to releasing John Durham’s report into the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation.

President Joe Biden’s attorney general nominee, former federal Judge Merrick Garland, refused a pledge before lawmakers Monday to refrain from interfering with the Justice Department probe into the origins of the Russia hoax run by special counsel John Durham. When questioned by GOP senators, Garland said he wouldn’t commit to releasing the Durham report.

“If confirmed, would you commit to publicly releasing special counsel Durham’s report just like Mueller’s report [was] made public?” pressed Iowa Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley, who serves as the ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

“I am a great believer in transparency,” Garland said, but offered no such commitment. “I would, though, have to talk with Mr. Durham and understand the nature of what he’s been doing and the nature of the report.” read more

20 Comments on AG Nominee Merrick Garland May Hide Durham Report From Public

  1. Are we still pretending there is a Durham “report”? I doubt even the most ardent “believers” haven’t dismissed with this fantasy.

    Merrick (who names their son Merrick?) is a white Loretta Lynch, with thinner ankles.

    Why are the republicans even bothering to pose serious questions to him? That was a rhetorical question, I know it’s part of the game.

  2. The entire Biden “administration” is not, never was, nor ever will be a legitimate administrative function of the United States of America.

    The election was stolen.

  3. Garland said he has no opinion on the 2nd amendment.
    He isn’t sure illegally entering the country should be illegal.
    He said he will be there to help the Obiden regime carry out its agenda but he’s not political.
    He has no opinion on boys and men dressing like girls to compete in athletics.

    This is Obama’s second attempt at getting this guy into a powerful position.

  4. I expect the “report” to be something like Johnny’s typewritten manuscript in The Shining: – page after page of nothing other than the line “all work and no play make Jack a dull boy”.

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