Aged sausage says, “America has to get rid” of President Trump – IOTW Report

Aged sausage says, “America has to get rid” of President Trump

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DC: Keith Richards said Tuesday that “America has to get rid” of President Donald Trump.

“Now America has to get rid of him,” the 74-year-old Rolling Stones guitarist shared during an interview on BBC Radio 4. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

The comments came as Richard was recalling a time before Trump was pegged to promote the Rolling Stones concert in Atlanta City.

“When we got to Atlantic City [The concert was prominently advertised as] ‘Donald Trump Presents…’ ‘The Rolling Stones’ [was written] in miniature,” the guitarist explained. more here


42 Comments on Aged sausage says, “America has to get rid” of President Trump

  1. worry about your own country and P.M. May before you start bashing our leader… poor over drugged old man, i think Buddy Holly- Elvis etc. are waiting for you somewhere….

  2. “Brtl … fffphphtarrhh .. gusghehe shneeshafflenuvv … mmmfhph …”

    Guess you can interpret that any way you want.
    Coming from a limey, whose Empire shagged into dust and who’re committing suicide by importing rat-people, I’m not impressed.

    God Save the Queen!

    Fuck Off, Keith.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

    He stole that line from Pete Townshend!!!! (song “Sally Simspon,” album “Tommy”)

    Whaddya expect from a socialist raised by a socialist family in a socialist land? He’s so socialist he left the UK to avoid the socialist taxes!

  4. Is he only 4 yrs older than President Trump?
    Wrinkled, dumb, irrelevant looks like walking dead.
    Ya Keith, We’ll do the opposite of what ever idea you babble about.
    How is that advise you gave to Johnny Depp working out?

  5. I predict that he won’t get no, he won’t get no “Satisfaction”.

    Also love how Trump uses their song “You can’t always get what you want” at his rallies. Must burn Keith’s ass.

  6. “When we got to Atlantic City [The concert was prominently advertised as] ‘Donald Trump Presents…’ ‘The Rolling Stones’ [was written] in miniature,”

    THAT right there is why he’s pissed. lol.
    How can someone so ugly be so vain?

  7. Keith,

    Let me give you a bit of free advice. One cannot always have what one wants. But if one tries sometime, one just may find, one surely gets what one needs. And right now, President Trump is what the world needs.

    I think Trump may have said that. Perhaps he should copyright it, those words might make a pretty good song one day.

    Now Bugger Off wanker!!!

  8. @PHenry “I predict that he won’t get no, he won’t get no “Satisfaction”. ”

    Keith is screaming at Trump “Hey, Hey, You, You Get Off of my cloud!”

  9. “When we got to Atlantic City [The concert was prominently advertised as] ‘Donald Trump Presents…’ ‘The Rolling Stones’ [was written] in miniature,”

    “No one knows who they were or what they were doing
    But their legacy remains
    Hewn into the living rock, of Stonehenge…”

  10. Poor old KR looks like this week’s “ Star Close-Up Lead Zombie” on Walking Dead.

    Better not let the London Mayor see that knife, wanker.

    Now I’m going to go enjoy a real Brit hero on youTube, Pat Condell.

  11. I am fed up with the Stones AND the Beatles and I’ve been there since the beginning, know their life histories, discographies, etc. Know the songs forwards and backwards. The sixties was pretty mucha mistake imo

  12. @Dee

    >The sixties was pretty mucha mistake imo

    I still like some of the music, but it was the beginning of lots of bad stuff that’s killing us. It seems that sex and drugs and rock & roll all go together. It started off exciting and sorta innocent, then turned wicked by 1970, at least.

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