Agency Director Suspended Over Complaint Regarding ‘Black Rifles Matter’ Sticker – IOTW Report

Agency Director Suspended Over Complaint Regarding ‘Black Rifles Matter’ Sticker


The Alaska human rights commission’s Executive Director, Marti Buscaglia, has been suspended for 15 work days without pay, after voicing her personal opinions in a Facebook post using the official government Alaska human rights commission account.

The post was regarding a “Black Rifles Matter” sticker she saw on a vehicle parked in the commission’s parking lot in Anchorage, Alaska, and perceived as racist.

Commission members voted 5-2 on April 5 to suspend Marti Buscaglia for 15 working days beginning April 8. She must also send an apology letter to the truck’s owner after the commission chairman approves the wording, according to a report from The Associated Press.

Taking Offense

Brenton Linegar, owner of Sage Mechanical a plumbing and heating company, said he was working on March 14 when two business cards were left on his vehicle with a note handwritten on the back of one.

The message, “Please do NOT park this truck with that offensive sticker in this parking lot.” was written on the back of Buscaglia’s card.

Linegar posted on his Facebook page about the occurrence asking if he had missed something.

“Sooooo……got this gem on one of my trucks today. Am I missing something?! I thought this sticker was a pro-second amendment statement? Someone tell me if I’m completely wrong! There was a Department of Human Rights email claiming it was a racist statement.”

26 Comments on Agency Director Suspended Over Complaint Regarding ‘Black Rifles Matter’ Sticker

  1. I hope somebody organizes a “welcome back” reception for her when she returns to work. About 2 dozen vehicles with those stickers parked in “her” parking lot ought to do it.

  2. …lucky it’s AK. In CA, they’d probably destroy the truck, beat the driver up when he came back, and THEN arrest the DRIVER for a “hate crime”…

  3. It may be Alaska but the morons staffing government bureaucracies are just as prone to political correctness as anywhere else. Also the percentage of people with government jobs is probably higher than any other state in the nation. It’s one of those things that isn’t so great about the Great Land.

  4. Ok, now someone has to get a pile of those stickers and (out of camera range) apply one to her rear bumper. Let her scrap it off then wait a couple of days and put another one on. Keep that up for awhile or until you notice the cops hanging around.

    Joking aside, it’s good to see someone who insists on telling other people how to live and what to believe in get a real penalty. Three weeks without pay is no joke.

  5. When you can’t make it in the private sector, get a government job.

    If you’re a deranged power-hungry asshole and can’t get any power in the private sector, become a government bureaucrat.

    The obama effect: deranged, power-hungry assholes have infested our government.

  6. I assume it wouldn’t be offensive if the sticker said, “White rifles matter.” Or would that be twice as offensive? It’s hard to keep up with liberal’s rules.

  7. These liberals that purportedly have DJT syndrome, it’s just a cover that the spoiled brats use to throw a tantrum. If DJTS were a real affliction, they be keeling over dead, having epileptic episodes or at least hospitalized or in an mental institution somewhere.


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