AI-generated photo claims explosion near Pentagon – IOTW Report

AI-generated photo claims explosion near Pentagon

A photo of a seemingly AI-generated explosion (pictured) near the Pentagon building in Washington DC spread through social media channels on Monday, prompting a brief confusion after several media outlets reposted it online, APA reports citing Teletrader. more

12 Comments on AI-generated photo claims explosion near Pentagon

  1. 30 Tons (60,000 Pounds) of Ammonium Nitrate “Disappeared” From a Rail Shipment from Wyoming to California
    For Perspective…
    Approximately 1 ton of ammonium nitrate was used in the Oklahoma bombing. 30 tons goes missing?

    What we’ve seen the last few hours:
    • Senators issues sat phones
    • FDA uses internet blackout as an example of misinformation

    shits gettin real

  2. Call me very cynical but this image was generated by over dubious goobermint officials as means to “take action” against AI. Heck. They might even get a new AI Homeland Security Department to further oppress the American people and steal their elections even more!

  3. Sooner or later, probably sooner, you won’t be able to trust a damn thing you see on the internet or the TV. We will need to guide or lives by what’s going on immediately around us. That actually might be beneficial.

  4. “What we’ve seen the last few hours:
    • Senators issues sat phones
    • FDA uses internet blackout as an example of misinformation”

    Somethings definitely up. Maybe they should not have let all those military aged Chicoms across the border. But I think what ever is going on has filtered down to local Law Enforcement.

  5. There was a time when we could rely on our ‘elected officials’ to protect US.

    Sadly, that trust has been usurped by evil, hateful, money hungry, power hungry ASSHOLES that deserve nothing short of a large caliber bullet through the head….on sight.

  6. “…with various software now able to create realistic images of events that never occurred.”

    … Like Pedo getting 81 million votes and actually winning an election.

  7. the political class is so corrupt everything’s fake

    the video of that recent gathering of the gov selected retards with biteme, turdo, that chick from italy, etc., looked totally fake to me

    and now with that missing rail car full of ammonium nitrate, stock up on whatever you need
    human collateral damage is not a problem to these people

    there are no kowinkydinks
    The rail company carrying the chemical is Union Pacific
    • Union Pacific’s Top two shareholders are BlackRock & Vanguard
    The explosive manufacturer, Dyno Nobel, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Incitec Pivot Limited…
    • Incitec Pivot Limited, one of the top shareholders is Vanguard

  8. Don’t trust without verifying.
    Reminds me of something someone said once with a slight change.
    They were doing this kind of crap back then too but now they have new and better tools to screw with us.


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