Ain’t no party like a gangsta party – IOTW Report

Ain’t no party like a gangsta party

First, from Politico:

“A lot of the bundlers and donors still are in shock and disbelief by what happened. They’re looking for some introspection and analysis about what really happened, what worked and what didn’t,” said Ken Martin, chairman of the Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party and a top campaign bundler himself. “It may take some time to do that, but people are still just scratching their heads.”

Or, in the words of a Midwestern fundraiser who’s kept in touch with fellow donors, “A lot of people are saying, ‘I’m not putting another f^cking dime in until someone tells me what just happened.’”



And from the Daily Mail UK: Team Hillary at the beginning of 2016 v. Team Hillary at the end: Clinton arrives looking glum for her fundraiser holiday party… while once-beaming million-dollar donors like Anna Wintour dodge the cameras

  • Hillary Clinton hosted a holiday party for her millionaire donors in New York
  • Clinton was pictured looking glum as she arrived at the Plaza Hotel on Thursday
  • Vogue editor Anna Wintour hid her face as she made her way into the party
  • Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein, designer Tory Burch and investor Alan Patricof were among the guests invited to the lavish party.
  • Clinton planned the party to thank donors who doled out millions in campaign


16 Comments on Ain’t no party like a gangsta party

  1. I can explain it to the Midwestern fundraiser. Tens of millions of deplorable Russian hackers showed up at the polling place to say f*%k no to Cankles and a third Sotero term.

  2. First paragraph reminds me of a personal quote of Paul Fix’s (Marshal Micah in, The Rifleman, and many John Wayne Movies) that I can’t escape because these morons are… ‘lost in thought’:

    “The only reason some people get lost in thought is because it’s unfamiliar territory.”

    What just happened dumb ass, is a democratic republic. The founders were geniuses in not setting up the mob rule of a true democracy.

  3. @IHTB

    The hilarious this is that it’s likely true that Hillary acted sicker than she was to get sympathy votes, and she is too stupid to realize that a sickly person is the last kind of person anyone wants as a leader of a country. It’s just another item on the long list of ways Hillary has her head completely up her fat ass. Just another way her team had it totally wrong.

  4. “A lot of the bundlers and donors still are in shock and disbelief by what happened. They’re looking for some introspection and analysis about what really happened, what worked and what didn’t”
    That just tells me that they still have no clue and I’m just fine with that. They offer a crap sandwich and when it doesn’t sell, they think a different wrapper or a better commercial will do the trick. It’s still a crap sandwich and we know it’s a crap sandwich. They either need to quit pushing that product or try to fool the customers into thinking it’s not a crap sandwich. The latter strategy is failing due to the fact the Dept of Subterfuge, the MSM, has been exposed for the crap sandwich IT is. Sorry, no sale. They still don’t get it. Quit selling crap sandwiches.

  5. When you go to Vegas you takes yer chances. Win, lose or draw you went there to spend money and have fun. There are winners and losers in politics too, but gambling? Not so much.
    I would love to know what exactly these donors were told and what exactly were they were sold by these grifters. I’m pretty sure this election was sold to them as being in the bag (so to speak) because of all of the Clinton’s well-practised, well-honed influence pedaling and skullduggery along with a complete lack of morals, scruples and standards when it comes to dirty tricks, fraud and corruption.

    “Yes, we’ve got it rigged. No need to worry about Bernie, we’ve got our Primarys rigged. We’ve got the Media front rigged, we got it rigged in the Republican camp (have ya heard Jeb?) we’ve got the polls rigged, we got this. Yes siree you can buy a piece of the next administration for only a pittance compared to what you will get in favors and kickbacks!”

    These donors don’t give up that kind of money for just plain, old every day Vegas odds.
    They wanted a sure thing and I’m certain that’s exactly what the Clintons sold them!
    Well they came up short and now they’re in desperation mode because the piper is calling and it’s starting to smell like flop-sweat! They need this by any means possible now which is why they are putting up this silly Russian smoke-screen. The only real question is how much money is it costing them and how many markers have been pulled to lean on the Media!
    Anybody want some popcorn?

  6. So these big $$ donors may no be “so smart”. Did any of them pay attention to the numbers attending Trump rallies? And did they compare/contrast the lack of people turning out for their candidate? And then did any of them conclude that the Dowager Empress isn’t such a safe bet for all those bucks?

  7. I read elsewhere that this bash was billed as a “stay in touch” party to her Big $$ Donors; the Dowager Empress is a TWO TIME LOSER. So why would anybody want to “stay in touch”? I predict Clinton foundation donations will dry up pretty fast.

  8. A lot of angry people. Hillary and Bill promised a lot and delivered zilch. No wonder she’s fighting like hell to steal the election, still.

    You simply do not cross these people. [GULP!]

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