Air Force pledges crackdown on airmen wearing kinky sex toy merch – IOTW Report

Air Force pledges crackdown on airmen wearing kinky sex toy merch

JTN: The Air Force Special Operations Command is investigating allegations brought to its attention by Just the News that “all ranks” of a drone-flying squadron at New Mexico’s Cannon Air Force Base visibly wear merchandise bearing the logo from a sex toy company while in uniform, Lt. Col. Becky Heyse said in a written statement Thursday afternoon.

“Fantasy-themed” Bad Dragon sex toys are reportedly popular with the “furry” kink community, and the company’s non-sexually explicit merchandise is also popular across the 3rd Special Operations Squadron (SOS), historically known as the “Dragons,” a whistleblower claims. 

Attorney R. Davis Younts, who has represented several service members in COVID-19 vaccine mandate challenges, shared the whistleblower’s written statements and corroborating communications and photos with Just the News Wednesday night. 

The whistleblower described months of pleas to senior leadership to crack down on members wearing the merch and addressing each other as “Bad Dragons,” saying it promotes a culture of sexual harassment as reflected by the squadron’s poor results on a recent climate survey. MORE HERE

17 Comments on Air Force pledges crackdown on airmen wearing kinky sex toy merch

  1. Forget the climate changing surveys and side climate projects for diversity and anti-morale building methods.

    My metric is this:

    How did they score on the Bombs On Target Tests.

    That’s the real world realities results this Taxpayer wants to see as an ROI.

    DECEMBER 17, 2022 AT 1:25 PM


    Of course we do!

    How ELSE are corrupt Democrats in the defense industry going to get HUGE contracts for bad plane ideas that don’t work, while carefully including The Big Guy’s 10% vigorish?

    …and those pallets of cash for our enemies aren’t going to deliver themselves. .

  3. General Malaise
    DECEMBER 17, 2022 AT 1:44 PM
    “And the Air Force thinks they’re such hot shit.

    But they never quite figure out they’re not in charge.

    The United States Navy is.”

    …being in Ohio, I’ll be less immediately worried about the Navy than the Air Force when Pedo’s masters tell him to order them to fire on US Citizens, so there’s that…

  4. A joke – and a disclosure that although I didn’t serve I did have an AFROTC scholarship offer, which since I didn’t go to super-expensive MIT I decided to pass on.
    Military commander asks: If you found a scorpion in your tent what would you do?
    Army guy says ‘I would stomp it to death.’
    Marine guy says ‘I would pick it up and eat it, alive.’
    Air Force guy says ‘I would call the hotel concierge and ask what the hell a tent is doing in my suite.’
    Navy isn’t mentioned, but of course they don’t know what scorpions are – although they certainly know what sharks are.

  5. N. Conclusive
    DECEMBER 17, 2022 AT 2:21 PM
    “Pretty sure the US Navy can send Air Mail to Ohio.
    If the need should arise.”

    …absolutely, but I said IMMEDIATE threat. I’m only 50 odd miles from Wright-Patt and all the Hangar 13 stuff, and I figure the Navy would be a bit more interested in the higher value targets closer to it on the coasts; so by the time they turned their attentions inland, MY pied-à-terre would long since have begun its new chapter as a somewhat glowy, radioactive hole…

  6. Okay, retired AF SNCO here, my opinion Bad Dragon Lanyards are not a big deal, in fact if it helps build unit pride good. If you don’t want to wear one, don’t. As long as it doesn’t have any profanity go ahead. Shit I bet HQ USAF would openly endorse BLM or ANTIFA lanyards. Like an earlier poster wrote, Are they hitting the target? That’s what matters. I’m glad I was in when work hard play hard was the policy.


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