Air Fryer Fire – IOTW Report

Air Fryer Fire

After an air fryer exploded into flames, a little girl in a tutu saved the day. Dad Daniel Jermyn had just made French fries and chicken nuggets when 4-year-old Amelia discovered the blaze.

19 Comments on Air Fryer Fire

  1. I deal with the results of defective products as part of my job.
    My warning to all of you is ONLY BUY BRAND NAME PRODUCTS!!!! Those companies at least TRY to ensure their products are OK, even if they do license their names to other companies they have at least SOME standards. If you buy brand name products you have a much better chance of remembering them if they do cause a fire sometime in the future. No-name products? Fat chance. These no-name companies also have little or no liability insurance, so good luck getting anything out of them even if you do remember the name.
    This applies especially to battery powered products with lithium batteries.

  2. …good for her, most kids don’t react in helpful ways to fire, she’s a rare and blessed young girl and may she keep that courage her whole life!

    …most kids I saw tended to hide under the bed or in the closet as my brother Huron could tell you, that’s why we trained to look for them there, sometimes alive…and sometimes not.

    One of the funnier ones (to the extent house fires can ever be funny) was a young man who has some reason to be, uh, “noncommuncative” about it.

    …see, he had an older bro who had his own room to the back of the house, and wasn’t home that night. Also, not sure how li’l bro knew this, but he ALSO had a large…a REALLY large…collection of pre-Internet nekked lady girly magazines.

    Well, seeing his opportunity, the youngling went into bro’s room to admire the forbidden fruit. I’m not sure what he knew about it, but he DID know that, for various reasons, he needed to conceal this activity. To that end he chose to hide himself and his selected reading material under bro’s blanket, which was fine, but chose also to solve the issue of how to view the naked young women in the dark of his impromptu blanket fort with a naked flame, which was NOT fine.

    Unsurprisingly, mixing flame, textile, and paper produced the predictable result, but happliy Junior was able to flee his overheated comfortor and head for the relative safety of the living room to the front, and thence to points South, where he could hide in his OWN covers and wish the fire away.

    Mom and Dad reported that their first awareness of this was when Sonny Boy scooted past them in the living room with a terrified expression but nary a word. This prompted them to look down his backtrail to the back bedroom, which they divined that all was not well in from the smoke and the glow, so they ran and grabbed their pride and joy and exited the structure to call 911 from their (pre-cellphone) neighbor’s house to invite SNS and his merry band to visit, which we did with great eagerness and copious amounts of water.

    It was a good stop, we kept the actual fire damage to a “room and contents” burn, and while commencing the investigation and dealing with hot spots we found the matress and box spring mostly burnt away, reveling the bed foundation to be stacks and stacks of primo ’70s and ’80s Penthouse/Playboy type publications, the outer layer of which was burnt and waterlogged, but the inner core was relatively undamaged and definitely recognizable.

    As behooved us in such situations we had to shovel out the fire load to prevent a rekindle, which we did, but one of the looies got spastic when the folks complained that we were airing their shame, so we had to erect visual barriers lest the evening news crew captured images that caused their male viewers to erect something else.

    And through it all was li’l bro, wrapped in his blanket and feelimg pretty alone, but doubtlessly well on his way to becoming sadder and wiser from the benefit of today’s harsh lesson.

    I know the lesson about fire went to his heart that day,

    I can only hope for his sake that it didn’t turn him gay as well…

  3. …one wonders too whether the appliance was ACTUALLY turned OFF, or if Hero Dad had actually had some theories about keeping dinner wanm that proved to be disastrously wrong…

  4. ǝpɐɥsʇɥɓᴉuɹǝdnS AUGUST 19, 2021 AT 6:48 PM
    Thank you for the hilarious way you tell your stories. You made me laugh out loud which is a very good thing these days. Bless you sir.

  5. Mrs radiomattm
    AUGUST 19, 2021 AT 8:13 PM

    Thank you and I need all the blessings I can get so I eagerly accept yours, but God is the author of all the silly things that I was ever privileged, or in some cases cursed, to experience, I’m merely his transcriptionist, and sometimes favorite chew toy, but I firmly believe that all humor is from Him, as if God had no sense of humor there would be no humans, so I guess we’re pretty lucky there…

  6. Jethro
    Ah, a QE. A very important part of legit shit. I’ll bump this shit up a bit. Don’t buy into a process with zero historical data. And honestly Air Fryers have very limited testing and exposure. Gotta say, I’m old school scorcher of red meat over an actual open flame. . Don’t like Micro Waves either. LOL.

  7. The worst appliance for catching fire has the stupid knobs that sometimes don’t turn all the way to OFF. You know, like the toaster ovens with the timer knobs? Yeah, those. I’m in the habit of unplugging every appliance anyway.

    Remember the old timey pressure cookers? I wouldn’t want to be in the same room with those. lolol.

    Best primitive oven, hands down. a stone oven. In the old country, my grandparents had one built into the wall of their house. Best bread ever!

  8. After a lengthy kitchen remodel that took place over 20 years ago, and having eaten stuff that is cooked in a microwave during that time, I could NOT put a microwave in our new kitchen. Give me a stove, an oven and a BBQ. That’s it!


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