Airline Boss: Airport Checks Should Focus on Muslim Men – ‘That Is Where the Threat Is Coming From’ – IOTW Report

Airline Boss: Airport Checks Should Focus on Muslim Men – ‘That Is Where the Threat Is Coming From’

Breitbart: Budget airline boss Michael O’Leary has come under fire from Muslim groups and politicians for suggesting airport security checks should focus on lone Muslim men rather than families with children “because that is where the threat is coming from”.

“Who are the bombers? They are going to be single males travelling on their own,” said the Ryanair CEO in an interview with The Times.

“If you are travelling with a family of kids, on you go; the chances you are going to blow them all up is zero,” he suggested.

“You can’t say stuff, because it’s racism, but it will generally be males of a Muslim persuasion. Thirty years ago it was the Irish. If that is where the threat is coming from, deal with the threat.” READ MORE

23 Comments on Airline Boss: Airport Checks Should Focus on Muslim Men – ‘That Is Where the Threat Is Coming From’

  1. Exactly! But you can’t tell the truth in our woke society. From what I have read, ‘stop and frisk’ in NYC cut the murder rate among young black men by over 50%, but we can’t profile, so everyone apologizes and the murder rate goes back up. Common sense is against the law!

  2. Can we please zero fund and close down the tsa and put this guy in charge of airline security? Better security and wed save billions of $. No end to fed govt waste, pc, and stupidity.

  3. I could board an aircraft with fifty pounds of ordnance and weapons. And the flight will proceed with no issues what so ever.

    Because I have no agenda to harm this country, its citizens, its institutions or government.

    But an individual with that agenda of harm possessing a box cutter can cause the loss of the entire manifest and aircraft.

    Those people can be effectively profiled. Ask the Israelis how to do so. They have it down to a science.

  4. The real threat is from bacteria and viruses living on the floor alongside the x-ray conveyor belt that everyone is forced to walk on with no shoes.

    It’s like shaking hands with 1000s of people, but with your feet. Then stick them in back in your shoes and allow the bacteria to spread like wildfire. When was the last time you saw someone rubbing their feet with sanitizer before/after walking barefoot on the infected floor? When was the last time you saw that infected floor actively cleaned?

    You wouldn’t walk barefoot on a San Fran sidewalk (that you actually see actively cleaned by city workers), but you willingly throw better judgement out the window to get past “security” that has more critters on the floor than any sidewalk from all walks of life.

  5. …true…to a point.

    …remember that Pan Am 103 was brought down over Lockerbie, Scotland by a pregnant Irish girl who was probably too stupid to even know her Muslim boyfriend slipped a bomb in her luggage.

    …and, speaking of Irish, it wasn’t that long ago Irishmen were blowing stuff up, too.

    Everyone CAN be evil. Muslims are just special because it’s written into their counterfeit bible.

    And that’s why they are CONSISTENTLY evil.

    …so, yes, watch Muslims a LOT closer, men AND women…

    …but trust NO ONE but the Lord.

    The person actually carrying the bomb may not be evil, they may just be stupid.

    …and there’s no shortage of THAT…

  6. Besides letting Touch, Squeeze, Anything [TSA] violates the constitutional right to be secure in our persons.TSA has been proven to be 95% ineffective at stopping anything’.

  7. TSA fulfills its mission every day. What most people don’t understand though is that TSA’s mission is not to protect us from people who would do harm; rather it is to make us feel safe. It is all about PR, very little about safety.
    Not saying they even do a good job of their mission.

  8. @Toxically Masculine February 23, 2020 at 11:04 am

    > Wow. 18 and a half yrs after 9/11 and someone is saying that the TSA should narrow their focus to the threat?

    That’s “Toxically Emasculated”

  9. George W Bush stupidly thought he could be bipartisan and respected by the Democrat Party by keeping Clinton holdovers in his Cabinet.

    Dept of Transportation secretary Norman Mineta was one of these Democrat Party assholes. And Mineta forbade the FAA and airlines from profiling. That’s what allowed the FILTHY MOHAMMEDAN terrorists to hijack FOUR planes on September 11, 2001.

    And did Bush immediately shitcan the Democrat Party’s Norman Mineta? Oh hell no. “We need bipartisanship now more than ever!”

    Those two fucktards have the blood of 3,000+ People on their hands

  10. We have the same so called security now as we did before 9/11. It did not work then and it is useless now. If you desire, you can get any weapon or bomb on a plane. But why do that the best target is a TSA line. The only solution is to shut down the Muslims and understand that all of them are dangerous, read their book.

  11. 12 years ago was the last time I flew anywhere, I knew I didn’t want to ever fly again because airport security is clearly PC BS and not serious.

    I was flying home from the Netherlands with my wife and 9 y.o. son. Amsterdam to Cleveland.

    At Schiphol airport we had already gone through a casual security checkpoint, then a second more through check consisting of several questions. Waiting in line to go down the correct wing to our departure gate the security people suddenly approached and pulled my wife and son out of line to do a more invasive check of their luggage. They did not seem interested in me. A middle aged white American woman traveling with her young son is not a threat. Or at least a very very low probability one.

    But no one said a word to the mid-eastern looking guy in the same line – who constantly looked down, shifting his eye sight left and right, was sweating a lot, and otherwise appeared to me to be very nervous.

    Later I saw the same guy waiting for his flight at the gate next to our departure gate. Still sweating and acting nervous. Being in Amsterdam maybe the guy had already been closely checked, out of my sight, and cleared as only being a harmless dopehead coming down from what ever drugs he wolfed down earlier in the day in town, but I doubt it.

    As long as security policy is to do extra PC driven checks on low probability passengers, their attention is distracted from looking for or noticing activity of real possible terrorist. Worse yet, they seem to have a policy to not look at people with questionable behavior. As the Israelis do.

    The Budget airline boss is right. I will drive or stay home until they start doing serious effective security checks.

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