Reuters: Alabama’s Supreme Court Chief Justice was suspended on Friday for ordering state probate judges not to grant marriage licenses to gay couples, despite contrary rulings by a federal court and the U.S. Supreme Court.
Chief Justice Roy Moore, an outspoken opponent of same-sex unions, faces possible removal from the bench after the Alabama Judicial Inquiry Commission charged him with violating the state’s judicial ethics laws, according to news website
From the linked article:
And he hasn’t. It was the feddle courts that created friction with the Alabama court.
F**K THE FEDS! 😡 I’m trying to figure out what we need them for.
Oh I know we need the feds to print more money. 🙄 check
To make more business killing regulations. check
To deplete our Military. check
To raise taxes. check
Stop oil exploration. check
LIE TO US. double check
Insite racial tensions. check
Give Iran The BOMB. almost a check
Make the NORKS use The BOMB. almost a check
Recreate the USSR. checking right along
Diminish our standing in the world. double check
Helicopter and jet Obama to golf courses and vacations. check
Help ISIS create the new Caliphate. checking right along
These are just a few of the wonderful things our federal government does for us working stiffs.
Silly Justice, only the King, his DOJ, and the Clintons, oh heck, and all liberals, can ignore laws. Silly Justice.
The judge should turn his attention to keeping boys and men out of the locker rooms and showers of girls and women.
Can somebody please tell me, if you PERSONALLY know a college student, does the university that person attends have coed shower rooms and bathrooms in the on campus dormitories? Is this usual or an exception?
Also, does the university put males and females into the same dorm room?
If any of those answers are yes the game is over. Fold your tent and go home. Don’t even bother to write about morals, conservative principles, or be concerned with the morality of our country. ALL IS LOST.
Reading around the net I can see the country has gone to the devil.
Co-ed bathrooms with huge communal shower rooms are on college campuses.
There is no such thing as “gay” marriage.
And NO “marriage” is under the purview of the Federal Gov’t.
Check your Constitution. Mine has no reference to “marriage” – pervert or otherwise – mentioned.
And – as the Civil War so amply illustrated – if the Constitution is silent on an issue, it is beyond the scope of the Federal Gov’t.
And then there’s that pesky 10th Amendment …
izlamo delenda est …