Al Franken Gets Schooled On How Federal Oil Leasing Works During A Hearing – IOTW Report

Al Franken Gets Schooled On How Federal Oil Leasing Works During A Hearing

This is a stupid, stupid man.


Senators had to explain to Democratic Sen. Al Franken of Minnesota the economics underlying federal oil and gas leasing during a hearing on opening up more areas in Alaska to drilling.

Franken opposes a Republican bill to open a small portion of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) to oil and gas exploration, arguing it could impact the porcupine caribou native to the region.

Franken also went on a long rant about why it didn’t make economic sense to him to open more Alaskan lands to drilling when millions of acres were left untapped by oil companies. Franken sits on the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.


“This is a very contentious issue and since there’s another million acres that are already leased — oil companies don’t lease land, at least I don’t think they do, it doesn’t make any sense to me,” Franken said in the hearing.

“I don’t know the oil business, but why would you lease anything where you didn’t think there was oil?” Franken said. ” It doesn’t make any business sense.”

Well, the situation did make sense to other Senators who sat on the committee that’s supposed to oversee such programs.    read more

15 Comments on Al Franken Gets Schooled On How Federal Oil Leasing Works During A Hearing

  1. Al Franken is ignorant because he chooses to be ignorant. He already knows it all, except in the many areas he does not. Thank you to the Shoeshiner from NY who “lent” his campaign $1 Million dollars.

  2. Minnesota is an a unserious state politically. What kind of state elects Franken as a senator, Jesse Ventura as a governor and embraces a huge muzzie invasion and occupation?

    Get your shit together Minnesota.

  3. @PHenry, Minnesota did not elect Franken.

    The election was stolen due to the corrupt D SoS. Remember the plan Soros funded to elect D SoS to every state? MN was one of those states.

    The SoS allowed all the Franken ballots found in someone’s trunk to be counted. And voting machines found in empty buildings with Franken votes. Need I go on?

  4. As a pissed off, frustrated, conservative Minnesotan, I second 100% everything that Claudia said about the Franken election, and Minnesota politics.
    Just as 90% of the country is red, so it is much that way here.
    I’m fortunate enough to go to places in Minnesota where common sense still prevails.
    Hope Al “froggy” Franken gets what’s coming to him! That POS was never funny…just funny looking!

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