Al Franken will resign from the Senate on Jan. 2 – IOTW Report

Al Franken will resign from the Senate on Jan. 2

CNBC; Sen. Al Franken will resign Jan. 2 and be succeeded by Minnesota Lt. Gov. Tina Smith a day later, NBC News reported Wednesday.

Earlier this month, the Minnesota Democrat announced he would step down amid sexual misconduct accusations, but had not set a specific time to leave the Senate. Most of the Senate Democratic caucus pushed Franken to resign, but at least two of his party’s senators — Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Patrick Leahy of Vermont — said recently that Franken got pushed out too quickly, according to Politico.

Days after Franken said he planned to step down, Minnesota Democratic Gov. Mark Dayton chose Smith as his successor.

Franken faced a Senate Ethics Committee investigation into multiple accusations of sexual misconduct and said he could no longer be “an effective senator” while it was ongoing. At the time, the senator said that “some of the allegations” against him “are simply not true,” while he remembers others “very differently.”  read more

18 Comments on Al Franken will resign from the Senate on Jan. 2

  1. Hide your women and girls from this pervert. Washed up hasbeen should be living in a van down by the river eating a steady diet of government cheese for the rest of his miserable commie pervert life.

  2. In a democracy….

    usually you are presented with EVIDENCE, and a chance to refute that evidence.

    I think he should have stood his ground FOR ALL MEN, but he’s a liberal beta-male, and will do what he’s told.

  3. Believe it when you see it.

    “Don’t believe anything you hear and only half of what you see.”
    (an AoC Plumber)

    Franken’s a lying, suck-ass, socialistic piece of shit who knows that the ends justify the means – and for him, the total destruction of America is that “end.”

    A leopard can’t change his stripes; neither can a tiger change his spots, nor can a liar speak the truth (except by mistake).

    izlamo delenda est …

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