Al Gore Fraud – IOTW Report

Al Gore Fraud

How long are we going to give Algore before we have him executed?


16 Comments on Al Gore Fraud

  1. REgressives believe this asshole because they WANT to believe that human beings

    1) are at fault for this non-existent problem
    2) can control the earth’s atmosphere
    3) can control us pee-ons using carbon schemes.

    He will NEVER NEVER address the “studies” fallacies because…oops, down the Memory Hole they go.

    Look at how Obama is using the EPA to destroy clean burning coal power plants and 1,000s upon 1,000s of good paying jobs.

    Why, you ask yourself when they’ve met already ridiculous ppm regulations? They want to drive the price of energy up so high that it makes their wind and solar garbage seem viable. Oh and fuck the birds while they’re at it.

    My electricity costs(I melt glass) have almost doubled since I moved to what I thought was a relatively inexpensive locale to do my work-a perfectly good nearby power plant(W.N. Clark) was forced to close 2 years ago.

    But wait MM, isn’t it cheaper and cleaner to use natural gas? Well, it may be a little cleaner but any cost savings isn’t showing up on my bill.

    And on top of everything else, the eco-nutz want to stop fracking here which will drive up the cost of natural gas.

    You can’t win with these pricks.

  2. Fraud used to be a crime.

    Wah happened?

    Are we so inundated with fraud and lies that we no longer give a … darn?

    We’re drowning in a sea of mendacity and we don’t even seem to be aware of it.

  3. There’s a 100% chance that this guy is a total charlatan, who has perpetrated that biggest fraud on world citizens in the history of scientific research. (Aided and abetted by formerly obscure and grant-starved climate scientists.)

  4. GORELOCKS is the con artist supreme with Barky close on his fat heels nipping at him……was a time in the earlier days of our country before politicians poisoned us that this POS would be hung…drawn and quartered and fed to the hogs….now we have to play nice nice and smile at them….yuk!

  5. But they are our new lords and masters. Published today:

    The New Class Conflict by Joel Kotkin

    In ways not seen since the Gilded Age of the late nineteenth century, America is becoming a nation of increasingly sharply divided classes. Joel Kotkin’s The New Class Conflict breaks down these new divisions for the first time, focusing on the ascendency of two classes: the tech Oligarchy, based in Silicon Valley; and the Clerisy, which includes much of the nation’s policy, media, and academic elites.

    The New Class Conflict is written largely from the point of view of those who are, to date, the losers in this class conflict: the middle class. This group, which Kotkin calls the Yeomanry, has been the traditional bulwark of American society, politics, and economy. Yet under pressure from the ascendant Oligarchs and ever more powerful Clerisy, their prospects have diminished the American dream of class mobility that has animated its history and sustained its global appeal.

    . . .

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