Al Gore is probably going to hell for this one – IOTW Report

Al Gore is probably going to hell for this one



Former Vice President Al Gore is now telling his climate disciples that God commands us to go forth and fight global warming.

Engaging in some advanced publicity for his new global warming film spectacular, “An Inconvenient Sequel,” Gore told Interview Magazine that God didn’t create global warming and wants us to fix it.   Read more

25 Comments on Al Gore is probably going to hell for this one

  1. Give the guy a break. He was traumatized when he was little by a melted popsicle, and then fell into a pool that was up to his knees but was supposed to be only up to his ankles. When he was little, he once saw a polar bearskin rug on which someone dropped an icecube. He is a victim.

  2. Just spent 30 minutes looking through my Bible and didn’t find the connection he thinks is there. We were given dominion over the earth but no where does it say about rendering unto anyone carbon offsets.

  3. If God didn’t create global warming, then I must have created it, myself. That makes me better than God. That means f’im! If He wants it changed, he can pay me.

  4. It seems to me that God set up a pretty nifty non-divergent self-regulating climate system here on Earth. The simple fact that in some 4.5 billion years this planet hasn’t gone all Venus on us is strong evidence that if left alone, our climate stays within the happy zone. Contrary to earlier reports, Gore believes in an UNhappy ending.

  5. “… that God didn’t create global warming and wants us to fix it.”

    An obvious appeal to Theosophy. The religious aspect of Globaloney Warming Bullshit writ large.
    How do you know that, Al? Divine revelation? Voice in yer vacant whiffle ball?
    Little blue guys in silver suits telling you stuff? Bank account dipped below $500 Million? What is it, Al?
    C’mon – take yer Thorazine and tell us all about it.
    Daddy use to … what, Al? What did Daddy do … or not do? Why do you hate America, Al? … in fact, why do you hate Humanity, Al? … and why do you resent God?

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. he did flunk out of divinity and law grad school … his grades sucked in fact all through college and he also did shitty in any science classes he took. so natural field of endeavor: Marxist-Leninist Climate Cargo Cult.

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