Al Sharpton Asks: “Can you Imagine if James Madison or Thomas Jefferson Tried to Overthrow the Government?” – Twitter Users Respond – IOTW Report

Al Sharpton Asks: “Can you Imagine if James Madison or Thomas Jefferson Tried to Overthrow the Government?” – Twitter Users Respond

Gateway Pundit; This may be one of Al Shaprton’s greatest hits.

Al Sharpton on Thursday weighed in on Trump’s latest indictment and appearance in federal court.

President Trump was arrested and arraigned at the Elijah Barrett Prettyman Federal Courthouse in DC on Thursday on a new set of garbage charges.

Trump was hit with 4 counts in Jack Smith’s January 6 case: Conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding, and conspiracy against rights.

Jack Smith charged Trump over his “effort to undo election loss and subvert transfer of power in run-up to Jan. 6 riot.”

Trump did no such thing.

Jack Smith lied in the indictment.

Jack Smith, much like the corrupt liars on the January 6 Committee omitted Trump’s call for his supporters to protest “peacefully and patriotically.”

Al Sharpton, one of MSNBC’s finest, weighed in on Trump’s arraignment and dropped this gem:

“One day our children’s children will read American history. And can you imagine reading that James Madison or Thomas Jefferson tried to overthrow the government so they could stay in power?” Al Sharpton said. more here

31 Comments on Al Sharpton Asks: “Can you Imagine if James Madison or Thomas Jefferson Tried to Overthrow the Government?” – Twitter Users Respond

  1. Sharpton is one of the top 5 reasons why there is racism in America. He thrives on it. Gets to lie, cheat and steal because of the color of his skin. Obama is #1.

  2. The Founding Fathers were accomplishing epic feats to advance the Human Race while you f-in’ homos were hiding in the tall cotton, you lower primate.

  3. The British government acted stupidly with regard to its American colonies, but by and large acted within its governmental authority as it existed at that time.

    Madison and Jefferson would probably be leading the charge against this corrupt and incompetent Biden administration. Compared to these fellows, Trump would probably look like a [iker with his “go to the Capitol and peacefully demonstrate” rhetoric on January 6.

  4. I see that the local mullet wrapper named after a left wing political party has an article about local race baiter en Crump being nominated for an Emmy for a crocumentary.

  5. This UBER tax cheat (he owes over 4 million dollars to the IRS, but he’s still out of jail) probably doesn’t write his own crap. But after this statement, imagine how dumb the person who does write his crap? (Who was it – Obama?)

  6. This is the same man that told us Tawana Brawley was raped by four White police officers,even though he knew it was untrue.

    People died because of that.

    As intended.

    “This whole situation is not about Tawana Brawley. It’s about Mason, Maddox, and Sharpton, sort of, taking over the town. Their exact words were “We beat this, we will be the biggest niggers in New York.”
    -Perry McKinnon, quoting former associate Al Sharpton.

  7. ..Apparently you can’t say “N”, even if you’re QUOTING a Black person.

    Let’s try again.

    …This is the same guy who told the Tawana Brawley story even though he KNEW it was a lie, and people DIED because of it.

    ,This whole situation is not about Tawana Brawley. It’s about Mason, Maddox, and Sharpton, sort of, taking over the town. Their exact words were “We beat this, we will be the biggest ni qqers in New York.”‘.
    -Perry McKinnon, former Sharpton associate

    …he’s not one to ever let truth get in the way of a natrative lie, so why would a complete retelling of the Founders he hates so much be out-of-bounds…

  8. @ Wild Bill

    Agree whole heartedly. It’s a damn shame that the title of reverend has been so perverted by so many over the years, it’s lost its meaning. For crying out loud, Jim Jones was a reverend.

  9. Yes, yes I can imagine if Jefferson or Madison revolted against their government. What I can’t imagine is this: Jefferson or Madison whipping a racial riot that led to the deaths of 2 innocent people. Or Jefferson or Madison whipping up racial anger and fear against innocent police.

    The gall of the Left to have this person as a spokesperson on anything other than how to say “I’m sorry” is beyond me. But this is the world we live in.

    When the Revolution comes I personally will be marching under a Black Flag.


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