31 Comments on Al Sharpton says President Trump is “Not Coherent”
Rosemary Kennedy was more thoughtful.
That’s because he speaks in the PROPER English dialect. Put his words into your Acme Ebonics Translator and it will help you to grasp what he’s saying you simpleton.
He couldn’t even pronounce “coherent” properly, and then he said “nuttin’ to do”. Give me a break. A bunch of piece of shit communists.
“Equal justice under the law” and other fantasies. Can anyone name an equivalent example of any person on the right that is a multiple felon that has skated free because he’s a useful tool for political purposes?
You mean co-herant like
Mad Maxine,Hat woman in FL. &
Pisslousey and my babe Queen S.J. Lee ???
He doesn’t even possess the intelligence to be embarrassed about this.
Sometimes, he isn’t.
So what?
He doesn’t complain enough about it and neither is he a nagger.
But how do he know?
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.
Al probably thinks anybody who can string together a sentence is incoherent. Because, to him, we are.
Typical Dem projection. Would you prefer that Trump use a bullhorn, Al?
This retardedness from the man who talks like he has Jesse Jack-some’s balls in his mouth?
I’m gonna take advise from this POS?
LMFAO! effing ass clown
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black…oh wait!
PRESIDENT Trump needs to focus his Twitter ire against Sharpton for a day or two. That sumbeech would be toast like THAT.
Bout time fo TRUMP makem him pay hissin’s back taxeseses n shit.
Al should deserves full credit for being an authority on incoherence and incontinence.
He much be insane
There’s nothing wrong with Sharpton that a lobotomy wouldn’t cure. I think they are still performed in Cuba.
“What I do functionally is what Dr. King, Reverend Jackson and the movement are all about; but I learned manhood from James Brown. I always say that James Brown taught me how to be a man. ”
— Sharpton on Brown as a father figure.[15
Sharpton never graduated from college and like his youth has lived on welfare ever since. Whose not coherent?
It is indicativly obviotic that y’all is a bunch of Racist Cracka homephonic Trumpicans!
I see! The disproportionalistic groupingness of white people especialistically are exacerbatingly amplicious of the racictnaciousness tone, some.
Al should open up about his days being “incoherent” when he was experimting back in the day with young black boys in Charles Barrons city council office in Brooklyn. Or did you forget about that Al? Some of us haven’t. Some day the truth will be known, just like the pedophile priest scandals.
He should know.
Resist we much!
I’m pretty sure Trump is fine. Shortround in N. Korea appears to get his message clearly.
However, it’s been said, it takes one to know one. It’s well established Al knows incoherent.
When you need a break and a laugh, the Washington Free Beacon put together four Sharpton v the English language type videos.
Rosemary Kennedy was more thoughtful.
That’s because he speaks in the PROPER English dialect. Put his words into your Acme Ebonics Translator and it will help you to grasp what he’s saying you simpleton.
He couldn’t even pronounce “coherent” properly, and then he said “nuttin’ to do”. Give me a break. A bunch of piece of shit communists.
“Equal justice under the law” and other fantasies. Can anyone name an equivalent example of any person on the right that is a multiple felon that has skated free because he’s a useful tool for political purposes?
You mean co-herant like
Mad Maxine,Hat woman in FL. &
Pisslousey and my babe Queen S.J. Lee ???
He doesn’t even possess the intelligence to be embarrassed about this.
Sometimes, he isn’t.
So what?
He doesn’t complain enough about it and neither is he a nagger.
But how do he know?
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.
Al probably thinks anybody who can string together a sentence is incoherent. Because, to him, we are.
Typical Dem projection. Would you prefer that Trump use a bullhorn, Al?
This retardedness from the man who talks like he has Jesse Jack-some’s balls in his mouth?
I’m gonna take advise from this POS?
LMFAO! effing ass clown
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black…oh wait!
PRESIDENT Trump needs to focus his Twitter ire against Sharpton for a day or two. That sumbeech would be toast like THAT.
Bout time fo TRUMP makem him pay hissin’s back taxeseses n shit.
Al should deserves full credit for being an authority on incoherence and incontinence.
He much be insane
There’s nothing wrong with Sharpton that a lobotomy wouldn’t cure. I think they are still performed in Cuba.
“What I do functionally is what Dr. King, Reverend Jackson and the movement are all about; but I learned manhood from James Brown. I always say that James Brown taught me how to be a man. ”
— Sharpton on Brown as a father figure.[15
Sharpton never graduated from college and like his youth has lived on welfare ever since. Whose not coherent?
It is indicativly obviotic that y’all is a bunch of Racist Cracka homephonic Trumpicans!
I see! The disproportionalistic groupingness of white people especialistically are exacerbatingly amplicious of the racictnaciousness tone, some.
Al should open up about his days being “incoherent” when he was experimting back in the day with young black boys in Charles Barrons city council office in Brooklyn. Or did you forget about that Al? Some of us haven’t. Some day the truth will be known, just like the pedophile priest scandals.
He should know.
Resist we much!
I’m pretty sure Trump is fine. Shortround in N. Korea appears to get his message clearly.
However, it’s been said, it takes one to know one. It’s well established Al knows incoherent.
When you need a break and a laugh, the Washington Free Beacon put together four Sharpton v the English language type videos.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0Q5sE8u6ek&list=PLAA_27K4FIKnHbFiGxX_K1JIbYqhz-5ZR .
When Al heard someone say Trump was “incoherent”, he asked where is coherent – is that in New Jersey?
Ax im da spel “coherent.”
In cursive.
izlamo delenda est …
Crack flashback.
What a sad joke.