Alabama band to march at inauguration, igniting controversy – IOTW Report

Alabama band to march at inauguration, igniting controversy



Organizers of President-elect Donald Trump’s inaugural parade say the marching band of Alabama’s oldest private, historically black liberal arts college has accepted an invitation to perform.

The move comes as historically black schools like Howard University, which marched in President Barack Obama’s first inaugural parade, said they didn’t apply to march at Trump’s inauguration.

The move has lit up Talladega College’s social media sites with a sharp debate about the band’s decision to participate. Some people voiced strong opposition, while others support the band’s participation.


12 Comments on Alabama band to march at inauguration, igniting controversy

  1. A coffee shop friend recently took the photo of Trump that will be on the cover of CNN’s new book ‘Unprecedented’. He posted an interview he gave about taking the photo on Facebook. Someone tried to shame him for taking a photo of Trump. Seriously? This guy has taken pics of every president since Nixon. He is a professional. People who try to force others to do what they want are nothing more than petty tyrants. Failed petty tyrants.

  2. The Talladega College band should be proud to play along with all the great talent also playing. I hope they have a great time and carry those memories through the rest of their lives. The hateful people admonishing them for playing are nothing but small minded losers, so fuck ’em.

  3. Yes Talladega is the oldest HBCU
    I think it will be a great experience for the band and the students to get expose, Maybe TRUMP may give the school some money to fix up the dorms etc. You don’t know what kind of Blessing may come from their participation. I have a son attending Dega.

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