Alabama: Dem Senate Candidate Doug Jones Says ‘Once a Baby Is Born, I Become a Right-to-Lifer’ – IOTW Report

Alabama: Dem Senate Candidate Doug Jones Says ‘Once a Baby Is Born, I Become a Right-to-Lifer’

The Planned Parenthood Candidate.


Alabama Democratic U.S. Senate hopeful Doug Jones says he is a “right-to-lifer” once a baby is born, but – before then – he supports abortion up until the day of birth.

Jones told MSNBC’s MTP Daily host Chuck Todd:

Well, look, I am a firm believer that a woman should have the freedom to choose what happens to her own body. And I’m going to stand up for that and I’m going to make sure that that continues to happen.

I want to make sure that as we go forward, people have access to contraception, they have access to the abortion that they might need, if that’s what they choose to do. I think that that’s going to be an issue that we can work with and talk to people about from both sides of the aisle.

When Todd asked him if he would not support legislation that banned late-term abortions, Jones replied:

I’m not in favor of anything that is going to infringe on a woman’s right and her freedom to choose. That’s just the position that I’ve had for many years. It’s a position I continue to have.

But when those people — I want to make sure that people understand that once a baby is born, I’m going to be there for that child. That’s where I become a right to lifer.

Jones faces Republican candidate Judge Roy Moore in a special election on December 12 to fill the Senate seat previously held by now-Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

Moore’s campaign website clearly states his pro-life position and his specific call for defunding Planned Parenthood.


SNIP: I didn’t photoshop him. He did that to himself.

19 Comments on Alabama: Dem Senate Candidate Doug Jones Says ‘Once a Baby Is Born, I Become a Right-to-Lifer’

  1. The establishment is so worried that Roy Moore will have a “Todd Akin moment”. I think thi is the Dem version of a Todd Akin moment. Which the establishment will fail to exploit. Good thing the voters of Alabama know what to do.

  2. Yeah…and we should thank welfare scum for “stimulating the economy” so much when they use their EBT cards…right?

    “Pro Life”?!? This guy should be publicly whipped for such abuse of the English language.

  3. Too bad the baby doesn’t get to vote on you and all the people that want to kill it.
    Babies are an inconvenience to some, to God and others they’re part of his creation, some of which could hold the answers to some of our problems.

  4. Why?
    Any MediaMaggot gonna ask him the “What’s the difference between a baby on one side of the birth canal than on the other?”
    “Explain, please?”
    “Is a baby under its blanket somehow different from the same baby on top of its blanket?”
    “Explain, please?”
    “Is a baby deserving of death for being on one side of a door than on the other?”
    “Explain, please?”

    The plain fact is that life has no value for a Demonrat.
    NO LIFE.
    Nihilistic socialism has no room for sentimentality.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. God, the ads write themselves. A fully pregnant woman goes into an office to have an abortion. When the doctor asks why shs says it’s because she’s moving to LA and a baby interferes with her career. Printing across the bottom is this morons support for abortion up to the last moments before birth. If they are willing to play hardball, Moore can’t lose.

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