Alabama judge allows teen to sue on behalf of aborted fetus – IOTW Report

Alabama judge allows teen to sue on behalf of aborted fetus

FOX: A teenager in Alabama is suing an abortion clinic for terminating the life of his unborn child against his wishes. On Tuesday, an Alabama county court recognized the aborted fetus, “Baby Roe,” as a plaintiff in the lawsuit, making the case one of the first of its kind, his lawyer said.

Ryan Magers, 19, of Madison County, claims his girlfriend got a medicated abortion at the Alabama Women’s Center for Reproductive Alternatives in Huntsville in February 2017 when she was six weeks pregnant, according to legal documents, even though he urged her not to terminate the pregnancy. Alabama recognizes the personhood of a fetus, so Magers is suing on behalf of the fetus and himself.

“Baby Roe’s innocent life was taken by the profiteering of the Alabama Women’s Center and while no court will be able to bring Baby Roe back to life, we will seek the fullest extent of justice on behalf of Baby Roe and Baby Roe’s father,” Attorney Brent Helms said in a statement. “The time is ripe for consistency in Alabama’s jurisprudence: either we fully acknowledge the personhood of the unborn or we cherry pick which innocents we protect and which ones we trash for profit.”  more here

9 Comments on Alabama judge allows teen to sue on behalf of aborted fetus

  1. If the father has been given standing in the court to represent the child does that mean in the future fathers will be given a say whether a baby is aborted? Lawyers are going to be getting rich(er).

  2. He’s an unusual young man. Most fathers of illegitimate children don’t want the kids, only the sex, and they never maintain a relationship with the child, abscond from the state and work hard to avoid paying any child support.

    That’s one reason we have such large government departments designed to track, sue and imprison the men.

    It’s also a reason these children usually grow to adulthood so mentally unhealthy and unhappy. …..Lady in Red


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