Alabama Republican Gov. Kay Ivey Is Blocking Efforts To Pass Ban On COVID Vaccine Mandates – IOTW Report

Alabama Republican Gov. Kay Ivey Is Blocking Efforts To Pass Ban On COVID Vaccine Mandates

The Federalist: Alabama Republican Gov. Kay Ivey is blocking efforts in her state to pass an across-the-board ban for coronavirus vaccine mandates.

As lawmakers convened for a week-long special session on redistricting Thursday, several demanded the governor add vaccine mandate protections to the agenda. The pressure comes as businesses with 100 employees or more prepare to follow a federal mandate handed down by President Joe Biden in the form of a press release.

“The Biden Administration is out of control, and needs to be challenged on these unconstitutional and un-American mandates,” state GOP Chairman John Wahl said in a statement supporting the push in Montgomery to ban medical coercion. “I want to see Alabama leading the charge to defend the rights and freedoms of our citizens… The Alabama Republican Party fully supports legislation opposing vaccine mandates in the upcoming special session.”

While Ivey signed an executive order barring mandates across state agencies on Monday, the governor’s ban does not apply to private businesses, as do new protections in Texas and Montana. more here

11 Comments on Alabama Republican Gov. Kay Ivey Is Blocking Efforts To Pass Ban On COVID Vaccine Mandates

  1. I honestly don’t understand why businesses are ‘following a federal mandate’. It isn’t worth the paper it’s written on, will get destroyed in the courts, and more importantly alienates your employees and leads to good ones leaving. It’s a terrible business decision.

  2. “will get destroyed in the courts”

    Don’t count on it. On Friday SCOTUS ruled against healthcare workers in Maine, fighting their states vaccine mandate and denying religious exemptions. Gorsuch, Alito,and Thomas desented. Yes, more lawsuits will follow but a line has been drawn, SCOTUS will turn a blind eye in making vaccine mandates unconstitutional.

  3. @Rich Taylor – Agreed. Don’t count on SCOTUS. They are absolutely worthless these days. Totally disgusted and disappointed, especially in Kavanaugh and Barrett.

  4. One of the most perplexing mysteries of the 21st Century; Trump gets 3 SCOTUS picks and there is still only 3 conservatives on that bench.

    If happenstance ever occurs again (probably not in my lifetime) where a GOP President gets another SCOTUS pick, I want it understood that the nominee promises to vote Conservative in ALL matters under threat that his entire family will disappear the first time he breaks ranks. Too extreme?

  5. She’s been a stupid hag since this shit started, but she’s not the only RINO governor pulling this shit, the list is long including my state with Stitt.

  6. Immoral laws are garbage. No legislator rules MY health. F— the lawyers, f— their laws.
    Whether the ‘Chief Executive’* demands it, or the SCOTUS respects the US Constitution or doesn’t is irrelevant to me. I have no control over them, I can only control my actions.
    If someone tries to force the jab on me, they will pay the ultimate price. That line will not be breached. I’ll answer to my Creator on this.

  7. Since when did a “press release” become a (p)Residential Slo Xiden executive order mandate??
    This is the problem with having the FedGov’s fingers (and $$$) in private enterprise pies. No legal standing to do what they’re (FedGov) doing, but able to exert enough Mafia style pressure anyway.


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