Alabama’s Rep. John Rogers(D) and Sen. Doug Jones(D) are both a heaping pile of crap – IOTW Report

Alabama’s Rep. John Rogers(D) and Sen. Doug Jones(D) are both a heaping pile of crap

Alabama Dem Who Said Trump Jr. Should’ve Been Aborted: Sen. Jones Said I Was ‘Right’.

Rogers: Jones admitted in ‘heated’ phone call he would repudiate contentious remarks for political reasons.


Alabama state representative John Rogers, who recently garnered attention for controversial statements about abortion, is continuing to make trouble for his one time lawyer and current United States senator, Doug Jones.

On Monday, Rogers claimed that Jones admitted in a “heated” phone call he would have to repudiate the contentious remarks, despite personally agreeing with them, lest it become a political issue in the senator’s 2020 reelection. The admission came during an hour-long interview with a local Alabama radio station, as first reported by YellowHammer News.

“Everybody who knows me knows I’m combative,” Rogers said. And I told Doug that if you want to come out against me, I’m coming out here against you.”

Rogers said that Jones had “called him twice” after his remarks first went viral. The first conversation appeared to go well with Jones explaining he would have to follow the politically expedient route and denounce Rogers.

“He told me, ‘John, I know you’re right but I [have] to come out against you,'” Rogers said. “I said, ‘OK, fine, if it’s going to help your campaign, do that.’ That’s the kind of guy I am.”

The second conversation, according to Rogers, went much less smoothly with Jones “hollering and shouting.” Rogers emphasized that Jones repeatedly said the comments were “hurting” his reelection chances and a public apology was in order.

“You don’t chastise me, holler at me like that,” Rogers said. “He issued an apology for me. I told Doug Jones, I said, ‘bye.’ I’m not talking to you, we don’t have to talk anymore. Because I don’t appreciate that… you don’t chastise me… hollering and shouting because I’m hurting your reelection. It’s bigger than reelection, what I was talking about.”  more here

8 Comments on Alabama’s Rep. John Rogers(D) and Sen. Doug Jones(D) are both a heaping pile of crap

  1. jones got the endorsement and funding of the entire GOP establishment when he was running against roy moore . McConnell and the bush/rove clan carried hem across the finish line. Mitt Romney also endorsed jones

  2. The two Democap best Bro’s should work out their difference like true gentlemen of the South with dueling Assualt Weapons at ten paces! The biggest dirtbag gets to shoot first per DNC rules! Pictures at Ten!


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