Alan Dershowitz predicts DOJ will not indict Trump after affidavit’s release – IOTW Report

Alan Dershowitz predicts DOJ will not indict Trump after affidavit’s release


Harvard Law School Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz said Friday that he doubted the Justice Department would indict Donald Trump after the agency released the affidavit that accompanied the search warrant authorizing the FBI’s search of the former president’s Florida estate.

“I’m gonna make a prediction here,” Dershowitz said on the “Just the News, Not Noise” television show. “If no more evidence comes out, based on what’s in the un-redacted portions of this affidavit, President Trump will not be indicted. I don’t think Garland is going to indict him for technical violations of these kinds of statutes that look very similar to what happened with Hillary Clinton.”

“I think the same standard has to apply to a Republican candidate as to a Democratic candidate,” Dershowitz continued. 

The Justice Department released the affidavit on Friday, but heavily redacted large portions of the document.

Dershowitz went on to criticize the FBI search for going beyond the scope of the warrant’s authorization.

“The search was very broad, much broader than I think the warrant permitted,” Dershowitz stated. “I didn’t see anything in the warrant that would justify searching Mrs. Trump’s closet, or even searching the locked safe.” more here

8 Comments on Alan Dershowitz predicts DOJ will not indict Trump after affidavit’s release

  1. He may be correct, but I take everything Dershowitz says with a grain of salt. He makes good money as a contributing guest on the conservative talk show circuit. He’s not going to bite the hand that feeds him.

  2. “…My, aren’t we naive…”
    “…Good luck with that. Where has he been for the last 60 years?..”

    No he is not naive, and he knows exactly how the game works. Like I said, he’s not going to bite the hand that feeds him.

  3. I’m getting real tired of DerShitz.
    He’s obviously not allergic to peanuts because he licks a lot of ASS.

    He disagrees with 2 other guests on FOX a show who were calling bullshit on the Mar-A-Lago raid just to give a different reason why shit won’t stick. Interesting argument, but a person on the same side would have said, “As Well As my colleagues opinions, I believe that…”

    But DerShitz wants to be Top Azzhole. No real confidence in him.


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