Alan Dershowitz Predicts Trump SCOTUS Win in Pennsylvania Ballot Case – IOTW Report

Alan Dershowitz Predicts Trump SCOTUS Win in Pennsylvania Ballot Case

Townhall: Liberal law professor Alan Dershowitz predicts the Trump campaign will prevail in its challenge over late-arriving ballots being counted in Pennsylvania so long as the number of ballots is enough to change the outcome of the Pennsylvania election and the matter goes before the U.S. Supreme Court. 

“I do think that Trump will win the Pennsylvania lawsuit,” Dershowitz told host Joel Pollak on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight, “namely, the lawsuit that challenges ballots that were filed before the end of Election Day but not received until after Election Day.” 

In a deadlock ruling, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court left in place a Pennsylvania court-ordered extension allowing late-arriving ballots to be accepted so long as the ballots are postmarked by Nov. 3 or if the postmark isn’t legible and arrived several days after the election. 

“The [Pennsylvania] legislature had basically said no to that and the [Pennsylvania] Supreme Court said yes because of the pandemic,” Dershowitz continued. “That may have been the right decision in some theoretical sense, but the Constitution doesn’t permit anybody in the state but the legislature to make decisions about elections.” read more

14 Comments on Alan Dershowitz Predicts Trump SCOTUS Win in Pennsylvania Ballot Case

  1. “…The Supreme Court will take the case only if it would make a difference, only if the plaintiffs, the Republicans, can show that the number of disputed ballots that were subject to sequestration by Justice Alito’s decision exceeds the difference between the winning margin and the losing margin,” said the Harvard law professor…”

    Therein lies the rub. How many ballots were co-mingled before the Alito order – or even after, in violation of the order? How many ballots were pre-dated postmarked?

  2. How many envelopes showing the date they were mailed were destroyed? They were supposed to be retained for twenty-two months. If they were tossed away, then the ballots cannot be certified. These missing pieces of evidence could be crucial in any recount and legal appeal.

  3. “If they were tossed away, then the ballots cannot be certified.”

    How do you tie specific ballots to specific envelopes, whether tossed away or not but especially ones tossed away and unavailable for verification?

    Is there any way to do it, if so how?

  4. The whole issue is that the cheaters have muddied the waters on which ballots were legal and which were not. It will be impossible to decide which ballots to exclude, so the courts will default to “we can’t know if there was enough fraud to change the election, so we have to let it stand”. The election was rigged and we will have an illegitimate government ramming fascism down our throats. I hope I am wrong about this and Trump is shown to be the victor,but it is snowing and cold and I am not optimistic.

  5. At my polling place that used Dominion the ballot number was torn off the top of the ballot. The absent voter applications had ballot numbers on them I think because they were handwritten by the clerk’s office. Then the envelopes had a signature that was apparently matched to the AV application. I do not recall whether the ballot numbers were written on the envelopes or printed on them–my first time and I didn’t know it would be so important!

    I don’t know about the regular ballots.

    but yeah I’ve wondered how can you audit paper ballots if they cannot be associated with a time or a group of voters

    bad system then on top of it
    sounds like the machines can be reprogrammed with code very quickly–
    the Princeton Computer Science Prof. said he did it in 7 min.
    But not sure what machine company he ws referring to or even if it mattered

    Where does it leave us? I feel confused and it’s hard to follow all ths I need it written out

  6. having a terrible time editing my last post!

    anyhow, I would think the clerks would have a voter file on computer showing applications and ballot numbers but I just dont know so many questions!

    I’m choosing to trust in Sydney Powell bringing in the Kraken!

  7. IF it could be shown an audit could never be properly done, whether is was decided to do it or not, would that not be enough to invalidate the election in , say, PA? Irregularities are supposed to go in poll books. I saw something about some poll books being online. what if there are none of those or sketchy poll books?

  8. Don’t listen to the lying media luzers. Sydney Powell (now one of his attorneys) and DJT both have sites up asking for donations to help fight the vote theft coup. Find one and donate. I did. Time is short.

  9. ” …. would that not be enough to invalidate the election in , say, PA? ”

    I think that, if it could legally be done, would throw the choice on the Legislature who would appoint PA’s Electoral College electors and have them vote as they saw fit.

    So what’s the political leaning of the PA legislature?

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