‘Alarmingly incoherent’: NYT’s columnist cites age, ‘uneven’ cognitive state, begs Biden not to run in ’24 – IOTW Report

‘Alarmingly incoherent’: NYT’s columnist cites age, ‘uneven’ cognitive state, begs Biden not to run in ’24

BPR: New York Times columnist Bret Stephens wrote in a column on Tuesday that President Joe Biden should not seek reelection in 2024.

In a piece entitled, “Biden Should Not Run Again — and He Should Say He Won’t,” Stephens also called the president “alarmingly incoherent.”

For an author at The New York Times to beg Biden to step aside so other Democrats can prepare for the next presidential contest, is, to say the least, unprecedented. It must also be unnerving for Democrats.

Stephens is allegedly a Never Trumper and has been a vocal critic of former President Trump. He contends that Biden’s age and his “uneven” cognitive state, need to be addressed because it could hurt the party and the country if he takes too long to decide not to run. He also posited that it would be “liberating” for Biden’s presidency to announce he isn’t running and would reenergize a “listless” Democratic Party. more

17 Comments on ‘Alarmingly incoherent’: NYT’s columnist cites age, ‘uneven’ cognitive state, begs Biden not to run in ’24

  1. Joey is and acts like a zombie, he’s a dead man walking. I doubt he’ll make it because one of these days he’ll croak on live TV and we’d be stuck with an even greater evil in Kamala Harris. God help us and deliver us from the evil of the bidumb/harris administration.

  2. Goldenfoxx
    DECEMBER 17, 2021 AT 8:48 AM

    “2022 will be an ass kicker for the Dims. Crush them!”

    OK Boomer, g’head and *giggle* vote your way out of it. Yeah,*heheh* crush him at my…I mean, “the” polls. Teach him a lesson that he’ll remember WELL into his second term with supermajorities of Democrats in both houses about the wrath of the people *smirk* IF he remembers anything at all.

    Don’t mind me, I’m just sitting over here counting up his votes, I’m thinking maybe 95 million this time sounds pretty good, yun know, just *grin* speculation and such, go ahead, vote, then hand me your ballot and we’ll see what happens…

  3. I truly hope this crooked, demented sunovabitch serves as the Badge of Dishonor and the Mark of Shame for the D-Ratz for the rest of eternity! It should forever stand as the lesson for what not to do to a nation!

  4. This isn’t about 2024 – it’s about 2022. Biden’s not going to be allowed to run in 2024, but the Democrats (despite telling the media what to do) are having trouble distracting Americans from Biden’s woeful performance and dismal policies, which will likely lead to a shellacking in 2022. It’s ironic, but making Biden a lame duck now may make the Democrats look better for 2022.

    Even if Biden announces he won’t run in 2024, I don’t think it helps the Democrats. They still have a lot of Democrats who are little more than concrete blocks in the baggage, and the cities the Democrats control are still turning into disaster areas. The Donkeys have virtually no one who seems to have any common sense or grounded morals at the national, state or local levels.

  5. Bill Clinton wuz a draft-dodging, tax-evading, dope-smoking, coke-sniffing, drug dealing, money-laundering, pants-dropping, weenie-wagging, wife-cheating, woman-beating, rapist, masturbating, cigar-dipping pervert, finger wagging liar, self-centered, self-serving, hornswaggling, double-dealing, four-flushing, power hungry, money grubbing, influence pedaling sleaze-bag thief who was convicted of perjury, impeached and disbarred and will forever be known as the filthy bicycle seat-sniffing trailer park troll that dragged our nation’s morality down to the level of an Arkansas Outhouse by bringing the term “blow-job” into the family kitchen on the front page of the morning paper!

    Jackass Joe would be all of that too, but he drew the short straw when it comes to brains!


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