Alaska AG Calls for Opt-In Govt. Unions – IOTW Report

Alaska AG Calls for Opt-In Govt. Unions


Republican Gov. Dunleavy pledges new policy ‘in the coming days and weeks’.

Alaska may soon become the first state to require government workers to annually opt-in to union membership after a landmark Supreme Court case ruled that public-sector unions can no longer coerce payments from non-members.

The 2018 Janus v. American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees ruling overturned a 41-year legal precedent that allowed government agencies to mandate union dues or fees as a condition of employment. The 5-4 decision ruled against the mandatory dues in part because it unconstitutionally forced non-union employees to financially support speech by unions that they did not agree with.

“Under Illinois Law, Public employees are forced to subsidize a union, even if they choose not to join and strongly object to the positions the union takes in collective bargaining and related activities,” Associate Justice Samuel Alito wrote for the Court’s majority. “We conclude that this arrangement violates the free speech rights of nonmembers by compelling them to subsidize private speech on matters of substantial public concern.” read more

7 Comments on Alaska AG Calls for Opt-In Govt. Unions

  1. Related to that, Uncle Al, I’d like to see all taxes eliminated.

    Don’t laugh. Here’s why/how:

    We’ve had the technology for decades now to easily bill citizens of cities, counties and states (and even the Federal Gov.) for SERVICES RENDERED. And we do. So, how about making us ‘legal shareholders’ in the legal entity called ‘government’ (at any/all levels) and open the accounting books to all of us? How about issuing annual financial statements, just like non-profit corporations? And as citizens/shareholders, we elect ‘the board of directors.’ At the Federal level, the ‘board’ is Congress. In the states, counties and towns, they’re the legislatures, county and city councils, etc.

    If you don’t sell me a service, you can’t send me a bill. So, for example, you can’t bill me for Medicare payments to others, etc. If you want that sort of “co-op,” then for pete sakes, form a voluntary co-op and run it as one, just like thousands of private co-ops around the country. You can’t bill ANYONE for “payments to others” because it’s not a service that they receive. If you want welfare, food stamps, child care payments, Medicaid, government-funded abortions, sex-change surgery, etc., etc., then you’ll have to find a different and non-coercive way to fund it. All of that would become strictly unconstitutional. So, Social Security would have to go (as in phased out over 20 years as Barry Goldwater proposed in 1964). Funding ‘Public education’ would have to be re-thought out. (It and national defense funding are among two of the hardest to solve…)

    It gets even tougher. If you don’t pay your bills for services you’ve received, you can’t vote until you do. Furthermore, and for example, if you don’t pay your fire department bills, we’ll let your house burn to the ground while your neighbor’s house is protected because he/she is responsible. Tough tits. (Most municipalities/townships have public utility districts for sewer, water, power, etc., already. Why not for police, fire and similar services?

    I’m just sick of the model we’re using to structure and fund government. It’s old (straight out of feudal Europe), outdated, unfair, fraudulent and more and more, it convinces elected officials that we ordinary people are just blank checks with legs.

    I know. Very few believe such a system would work. But it would allow you to effectively withdraw your consent to what you don’t approve of because you’ll only pay for what you buy. And just maybe, it would make people in government see they’re roles differently. Just like in any business, they’re there for their clients!

  2. If they recall Gov. Dempsey then nothing will happen. I was just in Alaska and there were petitions all over Fairbanks to sign to get his recall on the ballot. I asked our friends about it and the only explanation I got was that, “some people are mad because he’s cut a lot of programs.”


    You move to a new residence and set up electric and gas. Who knows about this? Freakin’ the whole planet, as websites post that search data and make money off of you.

    It should all automatically be opt-in.


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