Alaska governor signs law championed by 2nd Amendment advocates – IOTW Report

Alaska governor signs law championed by 2nd Amendment advocates

JTN: Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy signed a law Saturday that blocks state and local officials from closing gun stores during declared disasters, unless all other businesses are also ordered shuttered.

The legislation was championed by gun rights advocates like the National Rifle Association in response to the pandemic, which caused many businesses to be shut down.

“NRA applauds @GovDunleavy for his unwavering support of our Second Amendment rights and for signing this House Bill 61, championed by Speaker Cathy Tilton, into law,” the gun rights lobby tweeted late Saturday. MORE

4 Comments on Alaska governor signs law championed by 2nd Amendment advocates

  1. Good, but mostly symbolic when the govt still claims the authority to enforce curfews and lockdowns. If you can’t go out and about, you can’t get to the gun store.


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