Alaska Moose kicks back with random dude – IOTW Report

Alaska Moose kicks back with random dude

KFI: In no surprise to Vegas oddsmakers, a man lost his fight with a moose on Thursday near Anchorage, Alaska after he encountered a pair of moose on a trail he was hiking.

According to, the rumble in the tundra began Thursday morning about 10:15 a.m. when the man kicked at one of the animals, and was kicked at in return. According to Ken Barkley, the Mat-Su Borough’s deputy chief of emergency services, the moose only managed to trample the man’s foot.   MORE

21 Comments on Alaska Moose kicks back with random dude

  1. Massive is a great word.
    Come flying around a turn and see one standing in the middle of the road like he owns it – he does own it. Full breaks. A mexican standoff and he huffs his nostrils and casually walks away. Grab a new pair of shorts. Damn near 8 feet.. nothing to mess with.

  2. ever since I read that adventure tale from my youth, “Antlers In The Treetops” by Hoogoosed Da’Moose I’ve been very wary of those creatures

    happy to say … so far, never been molested by a Moose … to be forewarned is to be forearmed!

  3. In related news, the former First Lady categorically denies any involvement in this incident and requests that any further questions be directed to her legal representatives.

  4. If a wild animal doesn’t run away at the sight of you it doesn’t mean they’re stupid or they want to be your friend.

    It means they’re confident they can kick your butt if you behave badly. Wild life biology should adopt & adapt one of the basic laws of physics. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction or maybe more than equal reaction.

    I’ve had several close encounters with skunks while out hiking. They also don’t run away, they just ignore me as if I weren’t there. But I don’t press my luck with them. Talk to them softly while walking slowly past, up wind if possible, as far away as possible, if I really don’t want to turn around and go back the way I came.

  5. Driving is problem.

    When I worked at Prudhoe Bay, one morning a guy I worked with came around a corner with a moose standing broadside. He tried to stop, but couldn’t.

    The moose is so tall all my friend did was take out its’ legs. The rest of the moose body came through his windshield. Damn near killed my friend. Another person saw it happen and put the moose out of its’ misery.

  6. .45-70
    Gotta be honest. I’ve never had Bison. I’ve had some Elk and Moose that put any beef to shame. I’ll try some bison as soon as I get the opportunity.

  7. That man is a special kind of stupid – and VERY lucky to still be alive.

    I remember fly fishing in the middle of one of MT’s really good trout streams (Rock Creek) many years ago and having a cow and calf moose step out of the willows about 10 yards upstream. I thought I might be dead but they just sauntered on across the river. Didn’t have to change my shorts but it was close…

  8. @Bad_Brad: You can get buffalo (bison) meat at your local Kroger store (assuming you have one where you live, which you probably don’t).

    P.S. – Here’s some Brit humor:

    Q.: Do you know the difference between a buffalo and a bison?
    A.: You can’t wash your hands in a buffalo.

  9. Earlier this morning about 7:20 AM Montana time while heading N. towards Kalispell and just South of Hot Springs, MT. I encountered a fairly large herd of elk crossing the road in front of me. I slowed down and let them cross in front of me. It was quite a sight and made my morning. I tangled with a moose a few years ago that ran into the right side of my van out of nowhere on a very dark night just North of Sandpoint, Id. that left a huge dent in the passenger door and lots of fur and blood all over the front right of the van. Fortunately it wasn’t directly in front of me or I might not be here. And now a buffalo joke, one of my favorite stupid dad jokes. What did the mama buffalo say to the baby buffalo when he was leaving the herd? Bison.

  10. Moose meat pan fried in salt pork fat, medium rare, morning noon and night, when I can get it.

    Up here in North Maine, they are a real problem on the highway.
    It’s like hitting a full 275 gal tank on three foot legs.
    They roll and bounce off the hood and usually take the roof down to the dash.
    Not a good spot to be under, especially if you’re belted in.


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