Albany Forced to Cancel Duke Basketball Game Due to Cuomo’s Travel Ban – IOTW Report

Albany Forced to Cancel Duke Basketball Game Due to Cuomo’s Travel Ban

Menrec: The SUNY Albany men’s basketball team has been forced to withdraw from a scheduled meeting with the vaunted Duke Blue Devils due to governor Cuomo’s ban on travel to North Carolina.

In March, Cuomo banned all non-essential government employee travel to the Tar Heel state, a sign of protest over their blocking of local laws that would allow people ‘identifying’ as a different gender to simply use whichever public restroom they desire.

Now that ban has cancelled a game that many of the Great Dane players would likely view as the biggest game of the year, if not their careers.  more

22 Comments on Albany Forced to Cancel Duke Basketball Game Due to Cuomo’s Travel Ban

  1. Typical democRAT not able to think things through. Makes knee-jerk “heartfelt” regulations that are for the good of the 0.003% that actually causes more harm than good to his constituency.

  2. PHenry. It isn’t just a basketball game that SUNY is losing, New York is losing big time under this ugly, big mouth motherfucker!
    That fucking mouth should have a hook in it.

  3. What kind of penalty does a states self imposed travel ban carry? I mean really. Fuck this clown. If I were the head coach I’d be booking individual flight for my athletes. This guys earned the right to swing.

  4. Bison Guy, know worries. TD’s no longer phase me. I gotta couple Cruz fanatics that TD me so much I no longer paying attention. The only break I get is Saturday night. Bath night. They get preoccupied farting in the tub and biting at the bubbles. LOL

  5. Nice to know he has time for this bullshit.

    Meanwhile, it is now 5 years, 3 months, and 14 days since many of the New York State Unified Court System’s unions have had contracts. I am suffering financially because of this, but hey, I’m just keeping New York State going, so fuck me!

    I hate this man with a white-hot rage. He is ruining NYS.

  6. Ahhhhh, but we have to cut him some slack as he is the spawn of another beloved New York reptile! New Yorkers do love reptiles, especially the ones they elect to public office!

  7. personally I have always thought this man was slightly retarded.

    he was also head of hud during the buildup of the fraudulent home loans to unqualified buyers that caused the housing collapse.

    but we new yorkers elected him anyway.

    “HUD is Being Run as a Criminal Enterprise”
    In 2000, three and a half years after Andrew Cuomo became Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”), I met with a senior staff assistant to the Chairman of one of the appropriations committees for HUD. When I asked what was going on at HUD, the staff assistant said, “HUD is being run as a criminal enterprise.” I replied, “I don’t disagree.”

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