Alcohol poisoning death toll in Russian city rises to 48 – IOTW Report

Alcohol poisoning death toll in Russian city rises to 48

drunk check

MOSCOW (AP) — The death toll from alcohol poisoning in a Siberian city has risen to at least 48 after the victims consumed a bath lotion, prompting local officials to introduce a state of emergency Monday.

Responding to the tragedy in Irkutsk, the Russian government also called for tighter regulation of the alcohol market.

The sale of lotions and tinctures containing alcohol has been on the rise in recent years as Russia has plunged into recession under the impact of Western sanctions and a slide in oil prices. Poisonings caused by cheap surrogate alcohol are a regular occurrence, but the Irkutsk case was unprecedented in its scale.

While local officials in Irkutsk introduced a state of emergency in a desperate bid to prevent more deaths, and went house-to-house in search for more victims, Russia’s top investigative agency opened a probe into the incident and arrested several people suspected of involvement in the sales of the lotion.  more

SNIP: Comprehensive Lotion Legislation is needed

10 Comments on Alcohol poisoning death toll in Russian city rises to 48

  1. I once went to a bar in Minsk and I ordered a Vodka and Bubble bath….Luckily, there was a Priest, a Rabbi and a Leprechaun there and they were talkin’ about the proper method of making corned beef…

  2. So it was the lotion-crazed Russians who hacked Hillary’s server in order they could get a candidate elected that would ease trade sanctions and start selling them the Mad Dog 20-20 they so desperately need, again.

    It’s all starting to come together now, isn’t it?


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