Alec Baldwin ‘Rust’ shooting investigation moves forward as FBI completes forensic reports – IOTW Report

Alec Baldwin ‘Rust’ shooting investigation moves forward as FBI completes forensic reports


FOX: Nearly 10 months since the fatal “Rust” shooting, which resulted in cinematographer Halyna Hutchins’ death, the Santa Fe Sheriff’s Office has received the full forensic report from the FBI.

According to a press release, the Santa Fe Sheriffs’ detectives received the FBI’s completed forensic reports on Aug. 2. They were then forwarded to the New Mexico Office of the Medical Investigator (OMI) “for review.”

“The OMI had advised the Sheriff’s Office that they required these forensic reports to finalize their investigation,” the release reads. The sheriff’s office received the “official OMI reports” on Wednesday. more here

22 Comments on Alec Baldwin ‘Rust’ shooting investigation moves forward as FBI completes forensic reports

  1. All that bullshit to say what we already knew…

    “Accidental discharge testing determined that the firearm used in the shooting — a .45 Colt (.45 Long Colt) caliber F.lli Pietta single-action revolver — could not have fired without the trigger being pulled, the FBI report shows.

    With the hammer in the quarter- and half-cock positions, the gun “could not be made to fire without a pull of the trigger,” the report stated.

    With the hammer fully cocked, the gun “could not be made to fire without a pull of the trigger while the working internal components were intact and functional,” the report stated.”

  2. It took the feebs almost a year to perform a one day examination and test (and that day included a three-hour lunch). Or maybe they had a contractor do it and he stretched it out to a two-month gig.

    And all that time and money to come back with a report saying what thousands have been saying since the make/model firearm was in the news.

    Ah, yes, govt at its finest.

  3. Quarter cock is Cavalry cock. Just like a 1911 (yes, many semi-automatic pistols also have a 1/4 cock), and who knows how many other pistols. That’s cylinder lock and gate lock. It can not fire with a pull of the trigger.

    1/2 cock unlocks the cylinder and gate. That’s loading cock. Many semi-autos also have a half cock, but it’s not for loading and it still can’t fire.

    IOTW had a film of the workings of an AR platform a few weeks ago. Maybe we need a pistol video, too.

  4. Let’s not forget that a bunch of people on this set, including the diseased, went to some governing body over gun safety who eventually shut the film down for a couple days. Baldwin was irate. Now she’s dead. Just how bad is this assholes temper?

  5. Well, I flubbed the explanation. It would matter if the semi-auto was SA only. Or DA-SA.

    And hammerless guns have no external hammers just like ice cream has no teeth.

    That video would be a bit long. And most people wouldn’t pay attention, just like Baldwin.

  6. So a live round on a movie set with an actual gun. Not a prop gun. A single action long colt? I feel for the woman and her loved ones. These people are all foolish regarding guns and gun safety. Tinseltown loves to lecture the world about guns but never hesitates to include shooting scenes in their movies. This guy deserves negligent homicide charges at a minimum. He is obviously in the protected class. Did he shoot her good side?

  7. Why is the FBI involved in this? It’s NOT a Federal Crime. It should
    MUST be, handled at the state level. Looks like the left is simply trying to white wash a murder committed by one of their own.

  8. Everybody who understands the way a single action revolver works knows Baldwin cocked the gun and pulled the trigger that killed Halyna Hutchins. The only thing to determine is what type of murder this was.


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