It’s Here: CDC Confirms Deadly MERS Virus Infection Has Reached U.S. Soil – IOTW Report

It’s Here: CDC Confirms Deadly MERS Virus Infection Has Reached U.S. Soil


After a year of being kept at bay and isolated to the middle east the deadly MERS coronavirus has broken through World Health Organization containment zones and found it’s way to the United States. There is currently one confirmed case of the virus, which shows up initially with symptoms similar to a cold and then takes over the immune system, but the report from a CDC conference call on the infection is sobering. The infected individual started his travels in none other than Saudi Arabia, where the virus has been actively spreading for months. He took a plane to Chicago on April 28 via a layover in London, finishing the last leg of his journey to Indiana aboard a bus. Thousands of people were in the direct vicinity of this person while he was travelling. Because the symptoms may take several days to manifest it is quite possible that there are now people all over America who may be infected but have not yet been identified.

We urge our readers to be aware that the virus is here and that it may be spreading. The following article from Lily Dane of The Daily Sheeple provides additional details about the US-based infection, symptoms to look for, and preventative measures to consider right now in the event more cases are reported.



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