Alex Jones Says He Won’t Pay $965 Million Verdict: ‘They’re Gravely Mistaken’ – IOTW Report

Alex Jones Says He Won’t Pay $965 Million Verdict: ‘They’re Gravely Mistaken’

Epoch Times: InfoWars founder Alex Jones said that he will appeal the $965 million verdict and indicated it’s unlikely he will pay the full amount.

Jones was sued by Sandy Hook victims’ families over public claims he made about the mass shooting.  A jury in a Waterbury, Connecticut, state court found that Jones and the parent company of his Infowars website must pay $965 million to numerous families of 20 children and six staff members who were killed.

Jones has said he will fight the verdict on appeal and use the recent bankruptcy of his company, Free Speech Systems LLC, to avoid paying. It is unclear if he and his companies could ever pay the verdicts in full, but attorneys for the plaintiffs have vowed to prevent him from shielding any of his assets.

“So, look, nobody’s talking about the appeal,” Jones told Newsmax on Friday morning. “We are very, very sure—like 99 percent—that this is such a joke, this thing is such a fiasco, such a kangaroo court, such a railroad job that these will be overturned, both the Texas rulings and the Connecticut rulings, at the Supreme Court of Connecticut and Texas, if not the Supreme Court of the United States.”

Jones stipulated that the verdict “doesn’t matter at the end of the day” because “I don’t have $10 million cash.”

“I got a couple of houses, a couple million bucks in the bank,” he remarked. “It’s a total joke. And so if they think they’re gonna get 900-plus million dollars, they’re gravely mistaken.” more here

21 Comments on Alex Jones Says He Won’t Pay $965 Million Verdict: ‘They’re Gravely Mistaken’

  1. He’ll survive. Infowars is a business, and Chapter 11 is on a sustainable 5 year payment plan, after which it won’t owe a dime. It will survive, if not prosper. As for Alex’s personal wealth: he’ll get to keep his house and cars, clothing etc, but he’ll be otherwise broke. The big thing here is the appeal: his trial was a kangaroo court and the judge was an insufferable leftist cunt.

  2. While he can appeal the amount this will not just go away with bankruptcy. A bankruptcy court would not let this type of judgment to be just dissolved in their court. This will follow him the rest of his life, just like the stink on shit he is.

  3. I agree he was a total asshole for calling the Sandy Hook murders a false flag but why not make the verdict something actually viable?
    Say 10 million and make it stick.
    That’s still a hell of a price to pay for the freedom to say stupid and evil shit.
    I’ll never understand why he went there.
    I mean look at all the crazy nutbag “World Trade Center 7” idiots allowed to push that horsecrap?
    All the moon landing deniers?
    All the flat earthers?
    All the JFK idiots?

  4. Everything you need to know about the justice system in the USA.
    Alex Jones is fined $1,000,000,000. Not one pedophile that Epstein and Maxwell were trafficking minors to has been questioned. Let alone charged.

  5. I believe he or his surrogates pestered grieving families, following them and asking them outrageous questions on camera.
    He was proactive in the accusations.
    Warrants some penalty but a billion?

  6. This trial and resultant judgement were never about Jones. It wasn’t even about the Sandy Hook event.

    Given how egregiously the entire proceeding was run, the outrageously disproportionate size of the punitive award, it is clearly a direct assault on the Constitution’s 1st Amendment protection of Freedom of Speech. The entire purpose of this judicial circus was to railroad a putatively unlikable character to the max extent possible…solely to set legal precedent to chill the exercise of free speech for the rest of us.

    The greater tragedy of these proceedings is that the families and survivors were victimized, again, in their Faustian exchange with a callous cabal for partisan purpose .

    A False Flag is a real event, with real casualties and/or damage. It’s planed, organized, and carried out by an entity in such a manner as to successfully paint the blame on a different, usually innocent, party.


  7. I though he was an idiot about the false flag, but I ignored it while still reading some stuff he said/says, because he does get some things right. He has the right to be an idiot though and these families didn’t have to read or listen to anything he said. He didn’t kill their kids, if they wanted to sue someone, it should be LE, mainly the FBI who ignore this shit again and again and the school who didn’t have a secure school.

  8. “I believe he or his surrogates pestered grieving families,”

    I don’t believe that to be true. If that’s what legitimized this suit why won’t the courts allow a suit to be filed against Westboro Baptists Satan Club? Seems to me several people have tried.

  9. Brad, he did pester them.
    Dumb move on his part.
    Fucking asshole move.
    Don’t take my word for it, I’m only right 99.99% of the time.
    Just because they have video of it doesn’t mean it happened, right?

    The whole thing is fucked up.
    Some dumb bitch had a fucked up kid and had guns in the house he could access.
    She paid the price, shot in the face while sleeping.
    I still don’t get why Alex Jones went there?
    Dumb fuck deserves having his ass beat.
    They should give the fathers baseball bats and twenty minutes.
    Justice served.

  10. Ian Smith never got the jab. Ian Smith is running for office. Ian Smith is still alive. Governor Murphy is scared to death Ian Smith will squeeze his head until it pops like a zit. The name of the gym is the Atilis gym. One cool ass place with a lot of cool ass people.

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