Alex Jones Tells Tucker, Joe Biden Wanders Around The White House Naked, Pumped Up On Drugs – IOTW Report

Alex Jones Tells Tucker, Joe Biden Wanders Around The White House Naked, Pumped Up On Drugs

Tucker Carlson released his interview with Alex Jones on X, and in less than four hours, the discussion has already garnered well over 3.4 million views.

In the interview, Tucker and Jones talked about a plethora of topics, such as how Alex Jones predicted 9/11, how the pandemic was planned, and some inside intel regarding what Biden does when nobody is watching.

Jones told Tucker Biden “wanders around for the entire two and a half years, but it’s getting worse… naked in the White House.”

The Host of Info Wars continued, “They have to give him a bunch of drugs. A bunch of amphetamines in the morning.”

Tucker then confirmed Jones’ statement and said he knows someone personally who told him Biden was on amphetamines. MORE

25 Comments on Alex Jones Tells Tucker, Joe Biden Wanders Around The White House Naked, Pumped Up On Drugs

  1. So, when are they going to make a new X rated porno movie about joe bidumb called the Naked Sniffer and a remake of Deep Throat with Kamalla Harris and Willie Brown? And as an added bonus Humper in How to screw a lot of hookers and get away with it on the govt. dime directed by Woody Allen.

  2. Brad, I think they did a pretty good job getting rid of the smell after the Clinton’s. Of course, this might take industrial strength ghostbuster’s type joojoo to get rid of more than just the smell of the Biden’s!

  3. I imagine old Joe probably got a little “dribble” thing going on. If he wondering around neked the place probably stink of urine.
    Freaken amazing we find ourselves in this position. Even more amazing we allow it to continue.

  4. Brad
    FRIDAY, 8 DECEMBER 2023, 15:49 AT 3:49 PM

    ‘Freaken amazing we find ourselves in this position. Even more amazing we allow it to continue.’

    It will continue until the good guys with guns tire of supporting him.

  5. Brad 1310,
    “…. trailer trash odor ….”

    From which occupant?
    Clintoons, Bath House Barry O’Bozo, or Pedo Joe?

  6. ^^^^^
    I figure it’s gotta just be Joey B. Melania has to much class to move into a place that stank of grifters and butt boys.
    By the way, I read that Melania made a rare comment some where supporting the idea of Tucker for VP. And DJT knows, happy wife, happy life.

  7. The last thing I want to see is a pumped up, jacked up, stoked up, fluffed up, hopped-up, over inflated, over stated, self-absorbed, unaccomplished, arrogant Jackass walking around the White House nekkid as a Jay Bird!


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