Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Compares Migrant Caravan To Jews Fleeing Holocaust – IOTW Report

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Compares Migrant Caravan To Jews Fleeing Holocaust


New York Democratic Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Sunday compared members of the migrant caravan attempting to enter the United States to Jews fleeing Nazi Germany during the Holocaust.

Members of the caravan on Sunday rushed the border at the San Ysidro port of entry, which connects Tijuana, Mexico and San Diego, California.


U.S. Customs and Border Patrol closed the port of entry in response and reportedly used tear gas to disperse the crowd of migrants.

Ocasio-Cortez took to Twitter to denounce the treatment of the caravan members.

“Asking to be considered a refugee & applying for status isn’t a crime,” she wrote.

“It wasn’t for Jewish families fleeing Germany. It wasn’t for targeted families fleeing Rwanda. It wasn’t for communities fleeing war-torn Syria. And it isn’t for those fleeing violence in Central America,” she added.

Some of the caravan members reportedly threw rocks at American authorities before tear gas was used.  more

48 Comments on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Compares Migrant Caravan To Jews Fleeing Holocaust

  1. Well, it turns out she is right but for the WRONG reasons, as usual with ignorant misinformed types like her.

    USS St Louis and FDR. Thanks Occaissonal!

    The dems would rather conveniently forget THEIR sordid history!

    Please someone put this up on Twatter so the POTUS can use history to TROLL troll troll away…


  2. They didn’t elect her for her brains.

    If Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, etc. are now Nazi Germany, we should close their embassies, recall our ambassadors, end all foreign aid and institute a travel ban immediately.

    Then, empty our colleges by drafting every Antifa thug to go punch those real nazis.

    Or, words have no meaning, everybody is a Nazi for 15 minutes because our schools don’t teach history and Ocasio-Cortez is just a dumb twat affirmative action case getting by on her gender and ethnicity.

  3. Unless this sort of rampant stupidity is shown on the MSM it’s unlikely any of her constituents will ever hear of it. Even though she won handily (presumably because of her party, gender and ethnicity) I’ll bet a growing number of those voters are regretting their decision. This is nice but only if that number grows by a bunch (and it could if word got out) will she be threatened in the next election either through a nomination fight or the actual polls. The MSM keep covering for her incredible ignorance and racist viewpoints and could end up being all she needs to become an hispanic Maxine Waters.

  4. She Guevara keeps pushing the false narrative that the ‘migrants are fleeing violence in Central America’. No, they are not. They are coming for economic opportunity and in lieu of that…free stuff.

  5. Let me get this straight … someone named “Ocasio-Cortez” claims that latins are fleeing latin-America for the northern land of Euro-Americans because the fleeing latin-Americans are being persecuted by latin-American socialists as were the European Jews by the National Socialists?


    The latin-Americans need northern non-latin-American people to save them from their latin compadres?

    Is this irony lost on her? Is the irony lost on her imbecilic supporters?

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. No, no, guys. Let’s see this for the blessing it is.

    She wants to compare the Honduran migrants to Jews fleeing from the Holocaust? I’ll take it. Because what type of government do they have in Honduras? The same type of government Alexandria Occasional-Cortex wants the US to become.

    By her own admission, her ideas are horrible.

  7. A hyphenated last name tells me all I need or want to know about a woman.

    But this dummy holds the competing beliefs that America is a land irredeemably founded on genocide and oppression that survives to this day yet everyone in the world should be allowed to come here and be victimized by it.

    To deny their exploitation by our country violates the Geneva Conventions or the Nuremburg Trial or something.

  8. The Mexican police are rounding up 500 or so that tried to illegally cross the border. They will deported back to El Hondumala. Can the Mexican government be likened to the Nazi regime and the Mexican police to the SS? Maybe. But the Mexican police are not sending them to death camps…or are they? And the Mexican government and police are not like savage Nazis? Or are they? And Guatemala is not as horrible as Bergen-Belsen…or is it?

    As CCR once sang…Confusion on the ground…

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