Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Woman of Accomplishment – IOTW Report

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Woman of Accomplishment

14 Comments on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Woman of Accomplishment

  1. …you do have to admit that she’s done a lot for herself with very little brains or sense or couth or manners or dignity or the sense God gave a goose…

    …just not anything for OTHER people, is all, and she’s a case study in why you should NOT depend on others to serve YOUR interests, because that’s not what humans DO…

  2. Do you think citizens in Bolivia and Puerto Rico and every other Spanish speaking territory/country break out their United States of America accent when referring to USA the way AOC breaks out her Latino accent when mentioning those countries?

    That shit grinds on my nerves. Which is why she does it probably.

  3. “The monument to her will be of her leaning against a commercial freezer while sobbing.”

    Or crying at a fence. I notice she didn’t tout her exposure of the forced toilet-drinking and the kids in Trump’s cages.


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