According to the police, the driver in the accident is an asylum seeker who is currently only known to the police for drug and theft offenses. Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder (58, CSU): “It is probably an attack. Söder continued: “The attack shows that I have to change something in Germany – and quickly!”
14 Comments on Algerian Asylum Seeker Drove Into 27 People in Munich, Ran Over a Mother & Child
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Why were there childen at a labor demonstration?
“The attack shows that I have to change something in Germany – and quickly!”
There’s only one political party in Germany with serious proposals to curb immigration, fight crime, get back to a sane energy policy, and get rid of the suicidal environmentalists in general. It is the AfD (Alternative for Germany) and is the second most popular party with more than 20% in favor.
So how are the other parties reacting? They’re all set to outlaw the AfD because it is right-wind and anti-democratic. “Anti-democratic” !! you can’t make this shit up.
So is he getting asylum?
Keep importing the religion of peace.
It’s almost as though they are mad about something,
What could it be? Maybe it’s a mean video, I’ve heard that will do it?
Let’s ask those 51 X intelligent officers. They are so helpful.
“… the driver in the accident …”
RYSM? Accident? How dafuq is this an “accident?”
keep letting sand-******* in your country, assholes
who let it in?
put all of these dkskrs up in merkel’s house
Don’t worry folks!… The German police are fully mobilized to raid the homes of any white German who posts anything on social media critical of the country’s immigration policy, which allows for hordes of low IQ, psychopathic, brown skinned turd worlders to replace & terrorize the native Germans. Because that’s what comprehensive, socialist government is all about.
0934: us badge-****** probably realize what could go wrong if they tried that shit here.
so he was arrested at the site, then what happened? released?